Monday, October 29, 2012

Reinventing Myself

Here I am again, wanting to make some positive changes in my life, knowing the steps I need to take.... and still hesitating to actually follow through.  I've said before that I am my own worst enemy and that continues to be the truth. 
I can't stand myself the days I feel like I have gotten NOTHING accomplished.  I am blessed to be able to stay home and spend my days however I choose... so why is it that so often I'm not making choices that I am actually happy with?  I know that my home, my kids and I would benefit from pulling myself away from the computer each day.  But do I do it?  Not really.  I know I would have more satisfaction and inner calm if I had a routine and my house was *mostly* presentable, but do I take those steps to achieve it?  Nope, not often enough. 
For me, the hardest part about all of this is not that I don't know what needs to change, its a matter of not knowing how to make myself follow through.  Frustrating. 

I recently purchased the ebook by Crystal @ titled, "21 Days to a More Disciplined Life" ( for only 99 cents I might add!)  I am kicking around ideas for my big project... what to spend 21 days on creating new, improved habits.  Some of my ideas are:

- Limiting internet/facebook time.
- Increasing physical activity/healthy choices for weightloss.
- Implementing a cleaning routine.
- Challenging myself to keeping my kitchen counters cleared.
- Something to help our finances (using cash, shopping black outs, etc)

My problem picking something to work on and focus on for the next 3 weeks is that I think each of these areas are important, and each area is something I want to improve on.  The idea behind this series though, is taking one small change at a time and managing that... not setting yourself up by failure by trying to do a complete 180 and changing EVERYTHING at once. 

How do I pick when each change is important?  Or how do I prioritize these to know which behavior/change to tackle first?  I wish all of these things just came naturally to me and weren't things that I needed to consciously work towards changing.  My happiness depends on this though, and in turn... the functionality and happiness of my family too.  The saying about "if Mama ain't happy, no one is happy" sure seems to be true for us and I want to lead my family in the right direction!