I have a great boyfriend. He is so good about understanding that I need to get out of the house (and that I usually prefer to do that without dragging any kids along with me!) Recently it has seemed that I will run out to the grocery store or CVS when he gets home from work to pick up a few things on my list, or something we need for dinner. But other than that, we haven't been out and about too much lately. There are benefits to that--mainly saving money on gas and all those other things we spend money on when we leave the house, but I think there are cons to staying home all the time too--I start getting a little stir crazy, grumpy and irritable.
Last night when he got home from work I told him I wanted all of us to go out. He didn't seem to thrilled, but was willing to go along with what I was asking. I know when he gets home from working all day that he wants to relax. Its a hard balance for us, because when he gets home I'm ready to DO something because I have been home all day. Last night we drove down to Corning and had burgers, fries and a shake at the Giant Burger DriveIn and then took Dannon & Eli to check out the Woodson Bridge park. It is so shady and nice there! Dannon played for a bit on the playground and then we wandered down to the river where he threw rocks for a good half an hour or more. Then we loaded back into the car and drove across the road to drive through the campground area and check that out for a possible future camping trip. All in all we were gone no more than 2-2.5 hours but it was so nice! We were able to talk and smile, enjoy the boys, cool off a bit and it left me feeling rejuvenated!
Bob bathed Dannon when we got home, and after his bath Dannon crawled into bed on his own without any of the usual night time issues. Elijah wasn't quite so easy, but we were able to watch Hells Kitchen & Hoarders while we fed and held Eli and then got us all to bed around 11pm. The best news of all was even though poor Bob had to get up at 430 and head to the coast for a 9am appointment this morning, Elijah slept until nearly 7am!! I was a little engorged and feeling full when I woke up, but the mostly uninterrupted sleep was worth any slight discomfort. I feel good this morning and I know its a combination of getting out with my family last night for a change of pace and a full night's sleep. YAY!
I think we need to implement a weekly family outing. Something we can do without breaking the bank, but necessary for everyone's happiness (ahem, sanity!)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Garage Sale Saturday
Here I sit in our garage. Sweaty before the heat of the day has even really set in. Hosting a garage sale.
Garage Sales and I have a love/hate relationship! I love going to garage sales, I love cleaning out and getting rid of unnecessary things and making a few extra bucks, BUT... I hate the thought of actually having a garage sale. And I've discovered today that it was really the thought of doing this that I hated more than actually doing it. Granted, I've only been "open" for business for 1 hour and 20 minutes, but its been a success this far!
.... we return to this blog post after breaking for breastfeeding (inside, lol)
Anyway, to resume where I was at, this morning I prayed and asked God to bless this sale. I need to spend more time being thankful for our many blessings, and work on improving the relationship I have with God. I want to be able to pass our blessings on, and I feel like today I am getting a chance to do that by having very low asking prices and accepting decent offers! In the first 30 minutes I sold almost all of the clothes that Ashlyn has outgrown for 25 cents each. I'm not making the big bucks off a single item, but I hope that there will be some happy little girls going back to school with new to them clothes that they love!
One girl picked up a textbook that I had layed out with the other 25 cent books... and then asked if I had wifi so she could check to see if it was the one she needed for her class that starts in the fall. I offered up the use of my laptop and let me tell you how excited she was to see that its the book that she needs (that costs over $120 new she said) I had the 10th edition, she needs the 11th edition. I told her to ask her instructor if the 10th edition would work. More than likely the only difference may be the page numbering... if she can use that book, 25 cents was a blessing!
I have a few things that if they don't sell today I will post on craigslist or ebay, but for other items I am hoping to make a donation to the local women's shelter and the one nice backpack we have out in the sale I'll fill with school supply freebies and donate to one of the schools. I am thankful that I can share our blessings (and still make a few extra bucks!)
I'm hoping to pay for the oil to be changed in the Trailblazer before we head up to WA later this week, maybe buy a few more cloth diapers/supplies for my trial run with Little E and have some pocket money for our trip to the ocean! Every little bit helps, and I feel good when I can contribute to our family financially.
Garage Sales and I have a love/hate relationship! I love going to garage sales, I love cleaning out and getting rid of unnecessary things and making a few extra bucks, BUT... I hate the thought of actually having a garage sale. And I've discovered today that it was really the thought of doing this that I hated more than actually doing it. Granted, I've only been "open" for business for 1 hour and 20 minutes, but its been a success this far!
.... we return to this blog post after breaking for breastfeeding (inside, lol)
Anyway, to resume where I was at, this morning I prayed and asked God to bless this sale. I need to spend more time being thankful for our many blessings, and work on improving the relationship I have with God. I want to be able to pass our blessings on, and I feel like today I am getting a chance to do that by having very low asking prices and accepting decent offers! In the first 30 minutes I sold almost all of the clothes that Ashlyn has outgrown for 25 cents each. I'm not making the big bucks off a single item, but I hope that there will be some happy little girls going back to school with new to them clothes that they love!
One girl picked up a textbook that I had layed out with the other 25 cent books... and then asked if I had wifi so she could check to see if it was the one she needed for her class that starts in the fall. I offered up the use of my laptop and let me tell you how excited she was to see that its the book that she needs (that costs over $120 new she said) I had the 10th edition, she needs the 11th edition. I told her to ask her instructor if the 10th edition would work. More than likely the only difference may be the page numbering... if she can use that book, 25 cents was a blessing!
I have a few things that if they don't sell today I will post on craigslist or ebay, but for other items I am hoping to make a donation to the local women's shelter and the one nice backpack we have out in the sale I'll fill with school supply freebies and donate to one of the schools. I am thankful that I can share our blessings (and still make a few extra bucks!)
I'm hoping to pay for the oil to be changed in the Trailblazer before we head up to WA later this week, maybe buy a few more cloth diapers/supplies for my trial run with Little E and have some pocket money for our trip to the ocean! Every little bit helps, and I feel good when I can contribute to our family financially.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Reaching for a Better Day
Whew. What a relief.... today has been a much better day so far!
My day started earlier than I would have liked, Bob was up around 430 am so that he could be on the road by 5 to make his 9am appointment on the coast on time. Lucky me, Baby E (aka Bottomless Pit) woke up shortly thereafter and then just as I was drifting back to dreamland after caring for the immediate needs of aforementioned child... Big Brother was up and moving! Thats just how it goes most mornings, boy do I welcome nap time...
I came up with a short list of goals for myself to complete this morning, and posted it on Facebook... because, well... because thats what my social-media-generation does.
Goals for this morning:
I'm happy with myself because I completed probably about 60% of my goals. I did not complete #4, and instead got out all our bills and wrote down the list of what needs to be paid when the man of the house gets his paycheck deposited tomorrow. SMCU will get what they get. I'm behind on my car payment, but not FAR behind. I'm not going to stress and waste effort on that front. And I think that I've been mostly nice to my kids. I've yelled at Dannon a few times, but on the other hand I've also included him in the morning muffin making and then did some backyard golfing with him for a bit after getting Baby E to take a catnap.
The muffins turned out really good! To really pat myself on the back, I didn't give up after discovering that I didn't have an egg to use in the batter since I decided randomly to boil all the eggs we had in the fridge yesterday. Guess what is an acceptable subsitute for eggs when you're baking? 1/2 mashed banana. Works out perfectly when you're making banana muffins! :)
One minor hiccup in my morning's somewhat productive/calm ness was the ring of the doorbell... suprise! The postman (again, second time this week) with a letter from Bob's soon-to-be-ex wife's lawyer. Seriously. Why can't you figure out enough postage so that I don't have to rummage through my purse looking for correct change to give the postman standing on my doorstep in order to accept a letter I don't really want to accept anyway? Today I answered the door with a screaming baby, and decided to refuse the letter. Put the right amount of postage on the envelope and I promise one of us will get it out of our mailbox. I was irritated (but glad that I had put on pants this morning!)
Now if only the baby would go down for his nap. He was asleep. Now he is not. I think he's playing games with me.
I think in order to stay positive, motivated and not a complete crazed biotch I need to continue setting small, achievable goals for myself each day and do my absolute best to enjoy each day for what it is. It might be a great day, it might be a crummy one... but if I'm always feeling stress, disappointment and all the other negative feelings i've embraced I will never notice the little blessings I'm given each day.
My day started earlier than I would have liked, Bob was up around 430 am so that he could be on the road by 5 to make his 9am appointment on the coast on time. Lucky me, Baby E (aka Bottomless Pit) woke up shortly thereafter and then just as I was drifting back to dreamland after caring for the immediate needs of aforementioned child... Big Brother was up and moving! Thats just how it goes most mornings, boy do I welcome nap time...
I came up with a short list of goals for myself to complete this morning, and posted it on Facebook... because, well... because thats what my social-media-generation does.
Goals for this morning:
1) try this recipe to use up sad looking bananas http://www.catcancook.com/awesome-banana-muffin-recipe/
2) be nice to my kids
3) drink 2 bottles of water (need to increase my water intake dramatically!)
4) call SMCU and get online access re-instated and make car payment
I'm happy with myself because I completed probably about 60% of my goals. I did not complete #4, and instead got out all our bills and wrote down the list of what needs to be paid when the man of the house gets his paycheck deposited tomorrow. SMCU will get what they get. I'm behind on my car payment, but not FAR behind. I'm not going to stress and waste effort on that front. And I think that I've been mostly nice to my kids. I've yelled at Dannon a few times, but on the other hand I've also included him in the morning muffin making and then did some backyard golfing with him for a bit after getting Baby E to take a catnap.
The muffins turned out really good! To really pat myself on the back, I didn't give up after discovering that I didn't have an egg to use in the batter since I decided randomly to boil all the eggs we had in the fridge yesterday. Guess what is an acceptable subsitute for eggs when you're baking? 1/2 mashed banana. Works out perfectly when you're making banana muffins! :)
One minor hiccup in my morning's somewhat productive/calm ness was the ring of the doorbell... suprise! The postman (again, second time this week) with a letter from Bob's soon-to-be-ex wife's lawyer. Seriously. Why can't you figure out enough postage so that I don't have to rummage through my purse looking for correct change to give the postman standing on my doorstep in order to accept a letter I don't really want to accept anyway? Today I answered the door with a screaming baby, and decided to refuse the letter. Put the right amount of postage on the envelope and I promise one of us will get it out of our mailbox. I was irritated (but glad that I had put on pants this morning!)
Now if only the baby would go down for his nap. He was asleep. Now he is not. I think he's playing games with me.
I think in order to stay positive, motivated and not a complete crazed biotch I need to continue setting small, achievable goals for myself each day and do my absolute best to enjoy each day for what it is. It might be a great day, it might be a crummy one... but if I'm always feeling stress, disappointment and all the other negative feelings i've embraced I will never notice the little blessings I'm given each day.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I'm Struggling.
I think I should start a new blog and call it "(Not So) Super Mom" or how about "All The Things I Want to Do--But Don't" or "Great Expectations.... are killing me." Do you get the drift?
I am my own worst enemy, its cliche but true. I have these huge expectations for myself. I know some of them I get from the blogs that I read by women who seem to succeed at everything they attempt from loving their life as a stay at home mom, to saving thousands of dollars by couponing and deal shopping, to cloth diapering, exclusively breastfeeding, homeschooling, etc.... I admire these women who seem to be able to do everything and do it well. I want to have those accomplishments (well, maybe not the homeschooling part, a woman has to have some time to herself to look forward to eventually, right?!) Even just typing that right now makes me feel selfish.
I want to be this great all around loving, wife, mother, friend... but right from the get-go it seems like I've failed. I failed in the wife category. Granted, I know I wasn't married to the right match for me, but its still a failure in my eyes. I don't think that I'm a great mother. I think there are days that I try, and there are days that I give up. I take out my frusterations on my oldest child. She is the easiest to yell at... and its wrong. So wrong. I remember reading something once that said something like 'adults can brush off the negative things that their kids say about them, because we know its not true. But our children will hear and remember every mean, hurtful and negative thing we say about them forever.' I want my daughter to know that I love her and cherish her, that I think she's fun and that I want to spend time with her. Some days that feels like a stretch, and just admitting that to myself and here in a somewhat public forum scares the heck out of me!
I want to raise my children to feel loved, valued, and respected... to teach them compassion and patience.... show them how to be grateful in everything. How can I teach them those things when I don't model that for them every day? I need to be the one to set the standards for them, and not unreachable, unobtainable expectations. That is what I struggle with, I surely don't want to pass that on to any of my children.
Looking at my life from an outside point of view is almost sickeningly sweet.. I have it so easy! I have a boyfriend who supports me and my two kid that aren't his biological children. We live in a nice neighborhood in a nice house. He has a great job and I have been able to stay at home with the kids, waste time on the computer or what not all day, and generally just do my own thing. Probably at least the better half of the week he cooks dinner when he comes home, and nearly every time I ask he will watch the kids (all 3 of them now) if I need/want to get out for a bit. He has no expectations of me other than to love him and take care of the kids. Why can't I do those simple things better?
Why can't I have the house spotless every day?
Why can't I have dinner ready, or at least partially prepared for him?
Why can't I stick to a meal plan, a shopping list, a schedule, a budget... ?
Why can't I spend the day actually interacting and loving on my kids instead of getting irritated at hearing "no" for the hundredth time from my two year old, or feeling inconvenienced when I'm hiking up my shirt to feed the new baby (who by the way we've discovered is a bottomless pit.)
I am so disappointed in myself. I have it so easy, yet I can't be successful. I'm not happy with how I carry out each role I play. I want to be good at it all.
I start every day feeling so optimistic (once I've gotten out of bed and had a cup of coffee, of course). I get a few simple chores done in the morning, and then it always seems to go downhill from there.
I need to figure this out.
I need to do so much better.
I don't want to let anyone down.
I don't want these years to pass by and look back and realize I didn't enjoy my babies like I should.
I don't want every day to be a struggle.
I am my own worst enemy, its cliche but true. I have these huge expectations for myself. I know some of them I get from the blogs that I read by women who seem to succeed at everything they attempt from loving their life as a stay at home mom, to saving thousands of dollars by couponing and deal shopping, to cloth diapering, exclusively breastfeeding, homeschooling, etc.... I admire these women who seem to be able to do everything and do it well. I want to have those accomplishments (well, maybe not the homeschooling part, a woman has to have some time to herself to look forward to eventually, right?!) Even just typing that right now makes me feel selfish.
I want to be this great all around loving, wife, mother, friend... but right from the get-go it seems like I've failed. I failed in the wife category. Granted, I know I wasn't married to the right match for me, but its still a failure in my eyes. I don't think that I'm a great mother. I think there are days that I try, and there are days that I give up. I take out my frusterations on my oldest child. She is the easiest to yell at... and its wrong. So wrong. I remember reading something once that said something like 'adults can brush off the negative things that their kids say about them, because we know its not true. But our children will hear and remember every mean, hurtful and negative thing we say about them forever.' I want my daughter to know that I love her and cherish her, that I think she's fun and that I want to spend time with her. Some days that feels like a stretch, and just admitting that to myself and here in a somewhat public forum scares the heck out of me!
I want to raise my children to feel loved, valued, and respected... to teach them compassion and patience.... show them how to be grateful in everything. How can I teach them those things when I don't model that for them every day? I need to be the one to set the standards for them, and not unreachable, unobtainable expectations. That is what I struggle with, I surely don't want to pass that on to any of my children.
Looking at my life from an outside point of view is almost sickeningly sweet.. I have it so easy! I have a boyfriend who supports me and my two kid that aren't his biological children. We live in a nice neighborhood in a nice house. He has a great job and I have been able to stay at home with the kids, waste time on the computer or what not all day, and generally just do my own thing. Probably at least the better half of the week he cooks dinner when he comes home, and nearly every time I ask he will watch the kids (all 3 of them now) if I need/want to get out for a bit. He has no expectations of me other than to love him and take care of the kids. Why can't I do those simple things better?
Why can't I have the house spotless every day?
Why can't I have dinner ready, or at least partially prepared for him?
Why can't I stick to a meal plan, a shopping list, a schedule, a budget... ?
Why can't I spend the day actually interacting and loving on my kids instead of getting irritated at hearing "no" for the hundredth time from my two year old, or feeling inconvenienced when I'm hiking up my shirt to feed the new baby (who by the way we've discovered is a bottomless pit.)
I am so disappointed in myself. I have it so easy, yet I can't be successful. I'm not happy with how I carry out each role I play. I want to be good at it all.
I start every day feeling so optimistic (once I've gotten out of bed and had a cup of coffee, of course). I get a few simple chores done in the morning, and then it always seems to go downhill from there.
I need to figure this out.
I need to do so much better.
I don't want to let anyone down.
I don't want these years to pass by and look back and realize I didn't enjoy my babies like I should.
I don't want every day to be a struggle.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Baby Elijah!
Birth Story and more info to come.... for now this is a major accomplishment for this exhausted new momma of 3!
Birth Story and more info to come.... for now this is a major accomplishment for this exhausted new momma of 3!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
37 Weeks, 3 Days & Counting!
Well, Dannon and I just returned home from my weekly OB check up. He's gotten pretty good about sitting in his stroller (munching on something yummy and looking through the pictures on my phone) while I lay with my gigantic belly exposed to be measured, poked, prodded and listened to. Its adorable how he perks up when he hears his baby brother's heartbeat, and then generally lifts up his shirt and says "Baby".
We're broke until payday tomorrow. This is one of those unfortunate side effects that happen when half of my "income" aka Child Support has ceased to exist. Dannon and I splurged on lunch today. He is not so interested though in his 49 cent bean & cheese burrito as I was in my two 59 cent hard shell tacos. I could probably eat two more. Or maybe four more... but alas there isn't enough change in my center console for more tacos and I'd be afraid of running out of gas in the drive through. Its that bad. But in all reality... it isn't that bad! Its a matter of how you choose to look at your situation. Our rent and utilities are paid, we're current on our cell phone bill, I haven't missed a car insurance payment, I'm focusing on paying off the balance left on my Chevron credit card, only 30ish days behind on the car payment and I haven't robbed my savings account.
We know what things we need to change to be more financially responsible and we are going to sit down and develop a budget/plan so we are telling our money where to go instead of wondering where it went. I am going to do some more serious meal planning and grocery shopping purposefully instead of wandering and adding misc items to the cart. I am excited to step up my couponing game as soon as I have some energy back... and I'm not out shopping nearly as frequently as I once was, I just get tired too easily while its hot out, I have Dannon to juggle and a baby due in a matter of days/weeks.
We are thinking this is the last paycheck of Bob's that we will be able to have some "blow money" out of before his wage withholding for child support and alimony *coughbullshitcough* start. Our plan is to go out to a nice dinner tomorrow night at Kobe Steakhouse, a tempanyaki place where they cook on the grill in front of you. We want to celebrate Ashlyn's last day of 2nd grade... and I have been craving a meal there for months! We're also considering investing in some basic camping equipment. The beauty of going camping is its basically a big up front cost, and then all you need to come up with is gas money, $10-20 for a campsite each night and food. There is so much around us to explore and we want to be able to take advantage of that!
(I'm just not so sure about camping in the Redwoods... thats where Bigfoot lives if you weren't aware....)
I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight, a productive day tomorrow, a celebration tomorrow night and then a busy weekend between Ashlyn going to a birthday party, possibly checking out Dunsmuir's Railroad Days, a bbq get together at our house with some new friends on Sunday and some other general clean up/get ready for baby things that still need to be done. And of course, must make time for napping!
We're broke until payday tomorrow. This is one of those unfortunate side effects that happen when half of my "income" aka Child Support has ceased to exist. Dannon and I splurged on lunch today. He is not so interested though in his 49 cent bean & cheese burrito as I was in my two 59 cent hard shell tacos. I could probably eat two more. Or maybe four more... but alas there isn't enough change in my center console for more tacos and I'd be afraid of running out of gas in the drive through. Its that bad. But in all reality... it isn't that bad! Its a matter of how you choose to look at your situation. Our rent and utilities are paid, we're current on our cell phone bill, I haven't missed a car insurance payment, I'm focusing on paying off the balance left on my Chevron credit card, only 30ish days behind on the car payment and I haven't robbed my savings account.
We know what things we need to change to be more financially responsible and we are going to sit down and develop a budget/plan so we are telling our money where to go instead of wondering where it went. I am going to do some more serious meal planning and grocery shopping purposefully instead of wandering and adding misc items to the cart. I am excited to step up my couponing game as soon as I have some energy back... and I'm not out shopping nearly as frequently as I once was, I just get tired too easily while its hot out, I have Dannon to juggle and a baby due in a matter of days/weeks.
We are thinking this is the last paycheck of Bob's that we will be able to have some "blow money" out of before his wage withholding for child support and alimony *coughbullshitcough* start. Our plan is to go out to a nice dinner tomorrow night at Kobe Steakhouse, a tempanyaki place where they cook on the grill in front of you. We want to celebrate Ashlyn's last day of 2nd grade... and I have been craving a meal there for months! We're also considering investing in some basic camping equipment. The beauty of going camping is its basically a big up front cost, and then all you need to come up with is gas money, $10-20 for a campsite each night and food. There is so much around us to explore and we want to be able to take advantage of that!
(I'm just not so sure about camping in the Redwoods... thats where Bigfoot lives if you weren't aware....)
I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight, a productive day tomorrow, a celebration tomorrow night and then a busy weekend between Ashlyn going to a birthday party, possibly checking out Dunsmuir's Railroad Days, a bbq get together at our house with some new friends on Sunday and some other general clean up/get ready for baby things that still need to be done. And of course, must make time for napping!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Blogger Neglect!
Wow. I knew I hadn't been on here much lately and hadn't updated for awhile, but the extent of my neglect is pretty extreme! In April, after my last post, the kids and I went up to Washington for a week or so during Ashlyn's spring break. Thats when the blogger absenteeism originated, but my lack of attention and posts since then is completely unexcused :)
.... besides being pregnant. And having a 2 year old. And a home to take care of. And....
I'm still pregnant, and still have that 2 year old, and the house, and all the rest of those "things" that require daily attention. But today I'm posting :)
We have roughly 3 weeks until the little guy is due, and barring him waiting until July 1st to make his grand entrance we do have a name picked out that we are keeping under wraps for now. IF he is born on the 1st we have decided to somehow work part of Bob's mother's name into his name. She passed away in January, but was so happy when we told her about the baby on New Years Eve... she said that the baby (sex still unknown at that point) would be born on her birthday, how the birthstone for July is Ruby and if it was a girl she would have plenty of ruby jewelry to pass on. Her maiden name was Patsy Henry (i'm not sure of her middle name).
Anyway, we are getting anxious for this baby. Bob is more and more excited each day, ready to hold his son and I am getting more and more uncomfortable... sleep is a challenge and between my complaints of his snoring and his sinus & allergy issues, Bob has been sleeping on the couch pretty regularly. I've had a few wake up in the middle of the night in pain moments, wondering if labor was starting, but so far so good. My biggest fear is my water breaking in the middle of the night and having to call on someone we don't know very well and ask them to come watch the kids while we head to the hospital. My mom will get here on June 21st... my fingers are crossed that baby will wait until then to come.
In other non-baby news, Ashlyn will finish 2nd grade this week! Its amazing how quickly the time passes. Dannon has been embracing his musical genes and plays his guitar multiple times a day... best $7.00 I've spent in a long time when I found a guitar hero guitar at the Salvation Army a few weeks ago. He and Bob have some pretty hilarious jam sessions in the evenings. Its apparent to me that Dannon will be musical like his father. Thats one trait that I'm ok with him inheriting! At this point, we have skyped with said father 3 times, all last month I believe. It goes fairly well during the skype session, but then, like everything else, seems to be put on the back burner for awhile. My take on it is I will do everything I can to make Dannon available to him for something like that, but he needs to make the effort. I have mixed feelings about him making that effort. Part of me wants him to want to be as involved as possible despite the physical location differences, and the other part of me is relieved when he is out of sight, out of mind, and not in communication with us. Above all, I need to remember to want what is best for Dannon. He is an amazing little boy and its hard to imagine loving another son as much as I love him.
Thats all the updating for now, I need to make the most of this energy while I have it! We're pretty well prepared for baby, but I'm still trying to keep on top of the house chores. Can't have a horrible mess if we have to call in helpers at a moments notice :)
.... besides being pregnant. And having a 2 year old. And a home to take care of. And....
I'm still pregnant, and still have that 2 year old, and the house, and all the rest of those "things" that require daily attention. But today I'm posting :)
We have roughly 3 weeks until the little guy is due, and barring him waiting until July 1st to make his grand entrance we do have a name picked out that we are keeping under wraps for now. IF he is born on the 1st we have decided to somehow work part of Bob's mother's name into his name. She passed away in January, but was so happy when we told her about the baby on New Years Eve... she said that the baby (sex still unknown at that point) would be born on her birthday, how the birthstone for July is Ruby and if it was a girl she would have plenty of ruby jewelry to pass on. Her maiden name was Patsy Henry (i'm not sure of her middle name).
Anyway, we are getting anxious for this baby. Bob is more and more excited each day, ready to hold his son and I am getting more and more uncomfortable... sleep is a challenge and between my complaints of his snoring and his sinus & allergy issues, Bob has been sleeping on the couch pretty regularly. I've had a few wake up in the middle of the night in pain moments, wondering if labor was starting, but so far so good. My biggest fear is my water breaking in the middle of the night and having to call on someone we don't know very well and ask them to come watch the kids while we head to the hospital. My mom will get here on June 21st... my fingers are crossed that baby will wait until then to come.
In other non-baby news, Ashlyn will finish 2nd grade this week! Its amazing how quickly the time passes. Dannon has been embracing his musical genes and plays his guitar multiple times a day... best $7.00 I've spent in a long time when I found a guitar hero guitar at the Salvation Army a few weeks ago. He and Bob have some pretty hilarious jam sessions in the evenings. Its apparent to me that Dannon will be musical like his father. Thats one trait that I'm ok with him inheriting! At this point, we have skyped with said father 3 times, all last month I believe. It goes fairly well during the skype session, but then, like everything else, seems to be put on the back burner for awhile. My take on it is I will do everything I can to make Dannon available to him for something like that, but he needs to make the effort. I have mixed feelings about him making that effort. Part of me wants him to want to be as involved as possible despite the physical location differences, and the other part of me is relieved when he is out of sight, out of mind, and not in communication with us. Above all, I need to remember to want what is best for Dannon. He is an amazing little boy and its hard to imagine loving another son as much as I love him.
Thats all the updating for now, I need to make the most of this energy while I have it! We're pretty well prepared for baby, but I'm still trying to keep on top of the house chores. Can't have a horrible mess if we have to call in helpers at a moments notice :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 11
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

I never really thought I would find someone who I truly believed was my missing piece, I foolishly got married knowing the one I would call my husband was not my "soulmate"... When I moved across the country, this man was one of my first friends and it makes a world of difference to develop a friendship before developing a deeper relationship. The thought of a relationship beyond friends was never our intention, but a relationship grew outside of our control it seemed.
He knows me and understands me and the amazing thing about that is, inspite of knowing and understanding me... he loves me. I smile so much more when we are together. We encourage the most and the best from each other. I actually WANT to be around him and spend time with him and that was a new experience for me outside of the "honeymoon phase" of any other relationship.
I am so happy now that he is my friend and my partner. I don't know where or who I would be without him.
My best friend.
I never really thought I would find someone who I truly believed was my missing piece, I foolishly got married knowing the one I would call my husband was not my "soulmate"... When I moved across the country, this man was one of my first friends and it makes a world of difference to develop a friendship before developing a deeper relationship. The thought of a relationship beyond friends was never our intention, but a relationship grew outside of our control it seemed.
He knows me and understands me and the amazing thing about that is, inspite of knowing and understanding me... he loves me. I smile so much more when we are together. We encourage the most and the best from each other. I actually WANT to be around him and spend time with him and that was a new experience for me outside of the "honeymoon phase" of any other relationship.
I am so happy now that he is my friend and my partner. I don't know where or who I would be without him.
Friday, April 8, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 10
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
As you can tell... its been a few days since I've posted. Mostly due to the fact that I saw the "assignment" for Day 10 and have been avoiding it :)
Music has and continues to play a big part in me. Sometimes more, sometimes less. At this point in my life though, I wouldn't say that there are specific songs that I will listen to depending on my moods, at least not nearly as much as it might have once been.
I'm a country music girl for the most part, and with that on the radio I can find songs that will speak to whatever I'm feeling that day, or that moment. One that I'm really liking these days (you know, the ones you turn up and belt out loud in the comfort of your own car) is a new one by Joe Nichols called The Shape I'm In.. now I'm pretty sure the song is much more about getting through the dark times after the end of a relationship, and thats not so much what speaks to me... it just makes me feel encouraged, each day is a new day and no matter what it brings, I'm Doing Alright. Here are the lyrics:
I’ve got a number on a napkin, a poundin in my head
Takes everything I’ve got to crawl out of bed
I lost a hell of a woman, freedom caught me on the chin
But I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
The sun came up again this morning.
I got a call from a long lost friend.
Planned us a little road trip down to New Orleans.
It ain’t much but it beats where I’ve been.
Yea I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Well I’m gettin better at barely gettin by
When I look at her picture I don’t break down and cry.
And all this time on my hands it’s gettin easier to spend
Cause I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
The sun came up again this morning,
I took my old fastback for a spin.
Now when it rains it ain’t always pouring
and I’m learning how to live again
Yea I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Yea I’m doin alright,
yes I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Yes I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Maybe one day if I join the ranks of iPod owners I'll have more songs that I listen to based on moods and feelings. Right now I'll take what I can get on the radio and find a way to make it work for my purpose :)
Now... off to get ready for an OB appointment (dragging The Boy along with me today, and then heading in to Redding to meet up with Bob for lunch and some possible shopping) Happy Friday everyone!
As you can tell... its been a few days since I've posted. Mostly due to the fact that I saw the "assignment" for Day 10 and have been avoiding it :)
Music has and continues to play a big part in me. Sometimes more, sometimes less. At this point in my life though, I wouldn't say that there are specific songs that I will listen to depending on my moods, at least not nearly as much as it might have once been.
I'm a country music girl for the most part, and with that on the radio I can find songs that will speak to whatever I'm feeling that day, or that moment. One that I'm really liking these days (you know, the ones you turn up and belt out loud in the comfort of your own car) is a new one by Joe Nichols called The Shape I'm In.. now I'm pretty sure the song is much more about getting through the dark times after the end of a relationship, and thats not so much what speaks to me... it just makes me feel encouraged, each day is a new day and no matter what it brings, I'm Doing Alright. Here are the lyrics:
I’ve got a number on a napkin, a poundin in my head
Takes everything I’ve got to crawl out of bed
I lost a hell of a woman, freedom caught me on the chin
But I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
The sun came up again this morning.
I got a call from a long lost friend.
Planned us a little road trip down to New Orleans.
It ain’t much but it beats where I’ve been.
Yea I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Well I’m gettin better at barely gettin by
When I look at her picture I don’t break down and cry.
And all this time on my hands it’s gettin easier to spend
Cause I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
The sun came up again this morning,
I took my old fastback for a spin.
Now when it rains it ain’t always pouring
and I’m learning how to live again
Yea I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright,
I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Yea I’m doin alright,
yes I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Yes I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright,
yea I’m doin alright for the shape I’m in.
Maybe one day if I join the ranks of iPod owners I'll have more songs that I listen to based on moods and feelings. Right now I'll take what I can get on the radio and find a way to make it work for my purpose :)
Now... off to get ready for an OB appointment (dragging The Boy along with me today, and then heading in to Redding to meet up with Bob for lunch and some possible shopping) Happy Friday everyone!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 8 & 9 (recap post)
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Funny that when I got online to post yesterday, I decided just to write what I was feeling, from that it somewhat turned into my 3 in 30 Goal check in, and now come to find out, my 30 Days of Me for days 8 & 9 all seem to be wrapped up in what I blogged about yesterday and my feelings of contentment!
My goals for April are to complete my garden project(well... the preparing & planting part of the project anyway!) finish Dannon's quilt and a baby quilt/blanket, and limit my trips to Redding.
I should also include, that I hope to complete the divorce paperwork, and continue attempting to work with Cliff to have it filed. Thats a difficult goal in nature itself, as well as the fact that I have to somewhat rely on him to accomplish the task... and lets just be honest, he was never someone that I would call "reliable."
As far as something that I am proud of in the last few days, I've got to say that getting my first garden bed prepared and my strawberries planted has been huge for me! I've never really gardened, and the few things that I have attempted to grow haven't been very successful (except for my kids, see previous post, lol!) I watered my strawberries just a few minutes ago, and I could swear they have grown already! I think this gardening thing is going to be a bit like Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball idea, some quick signs of success are quite motivating to continue!
Hmm, now since I've been thinking about goals again, its off to search the wonderful internet for the perfect fabric for Baby-With-No-Name's quilt while I enjoy another day of sunshine and watching my son play with a bucket of water and two plastic cups!
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Funny that when I got online to post yesterday, I decided just to write what I was feeling, from that it somewhat turned into my 3 in 30 Goal check in, and now come to find out, my 30 Days of Me for days 8 & 9 all seem to be wrapped up in what I blogged about yesterday and my feelings of contentment!
My goals for April are to complete my garden project(well... the preparing & planting part of the project anyway!) finish Dannon's quilt and a baby quilt/blanket, and limit my trips to Redding.
I should also include, that I hope to complete the divorce paperwork, and continue attempting to work with Cliff to have it filed. Thats a difficult goal in nature itself, as well as the fact that I have to somewhat rely on him to accomplish the task... and lets just be honest, he was never someone that I would call "reliable."
As far as something that I am proud of in the last few days, I've got to say that getting my first garden bed prepared and my strawberries planted has been huge for me! I've never really gardened, and the few things that I have attempted to grow haven't been very successful (except for my kids, see previous post, lol!) I watered my strawberries just a few minutes ago, and I could swear they have grown already! I think this gardening thing is going to be a bit like Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball idea, some quick signs of success are quite motivating to continue!
Hmm, now since I've been thinking about goals again, its off to search the wonderful internet for the perfect fabric for Baby-With-No-Name's quilt while I enjoy another day of sunshine and watching my son play with a bucket of water and two plastic cups!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ahhh, contentment!
The sun has been out for the past few days. To the point we're wearing shorts and tank tops, searching for (my) lost sunglasses and investing in our backyard living!
About a week ago, Bob received a small amount from his mother's insurance. She passed away at the the end of January, or was it the beginning of February? I should know this. The settlement wasn't much. She had taken out a loan against it that had to be repaid first, and then the leftover amount was incorrectly divided among the beneficiaries. We are just thankful for what he did receive! But as usual, good intentions seem to go out the window, at least where financial responsibility comes into play... I'm still trying to talk him into putting some in savings, and some towards debt repayment, but I am very happy with where the bulk of the money has been spent so far.
We purchased a lawnmower (that has yet to be assembled and put to use, lol) Bob was able to pick out a new charcoal grill to replace the one that got left behind at the apartment in Kalama when our moving truck was just too full, and we've added two outdoor rocking chairs and a hammock to our backyard. This is where my feeling of contentment is coming into play at the current moment.
I am sitting in one of the rockers, ice water in hand, slight breeze through the yard and watching Dannon play with a bucket of water and a cup. Ashlyn is playing with her neighborhood friends and Bob will soon be on his way home from work.
The house is mostly clean, the floors have been mopped, I got my strawberries planted today, another planting project is underway and I'm tired--but it feels so good to be tired from being productive rather than tired from being lazy.
Today is April 1st, I haven't been able to come up with any good jokes to play on anyone, but I have gotten a rough draft of our monthly budget together and was able to include money to set aside for my trip with the kids up to Washington to visit family during Ashlyn's spring break. Last month one of my 3 in 30 goals was to have my divorce paperwork completed. Its not completed. But I did get a good start on it and will continue to focus on that throughout this next month. I did MUCH better with my water consumption, as well as remembering vitamins every night and better oral care... I'm also very proud to announce that Dannon is now completely bottle free, and all in all, it wasn't that bad!
For April, one of my goals will be to follow through on my gardening goal. So far I have one of the raised beds cleaned out, added a bag of Flower & Vegetable soil and planted the strawberry shoots that came from my online order with Gurneys. The other garden bed is still a jungle of a mess. I have seeds that should be coming within the next two weeks (also from Gurneys) and have great intentions to plant lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and a hanging tomato plant. I really hope something grows. I mentioned to Bob today that I have this almost desperate need to have success with growing something, and he pointed out that I'm doing pretty good growing his baby and thats the most important thing :) I think after my next OB appointment on the 8th, I will start to be seen every two weeks. Crazy how fast this time goes!
My other April goals will be to finish Dannon's quilt, and also start & finish a quilt for the new baby. I have a little craft area set up in the garage now, but I have yet to give my new sewing machine a try. Dannon's quilt has light blue and lime green colors with a pirate themed fabric and since #3 (still no names decided) is due sometime between the very end of June and beginning of July, I'm kind of thinking he needs a 4th of July-ish red, white & blue quilt. Stars required.
My third and final April 3 in 30 goal will be to limit my weekly trips into Redding to 1-2 times per week. Gas prices are ridiculous, and my trips into town equal either shopping, or meeting Bob for lunch. So lets recap: Spending money on gas + Spending money on shopping + Spending money on lunch = Spending too much money! The best way I can see to reign this in a bit is to just stay home, and thats what I am going to focus more on doing.
Things might not be perfect, but they're still pretty good and I'm A-OK with that! :)
About a week ago, Bob received a small amount from his mother's insurance. She passed away at the the end of January, or was it the beginning of February? I should know this. The settlement wasn't much. She had taken out a loan against it that had to be repaid first, and then the leftover amount was incorrectly divided among the beneficiaries. We are just thankful for what he did receive! But as usual, good intentions seem to go out the window, at least where financial responsibility comes into play... I'm still trying to talk him into putting some in savings, and some towards debt repayment, but I am very happy with where the bulk of the money has been spent so far.
We purchased a lawnmower (that has yet to be assembled and put to use, lol) Bob was able to pick out a new charcoal grill to replace the one that got left behind at the apartment in Kalama when our moving truck was just too full, and we've added two outdoor rocking chairs and a hammock to our backyard. This is where my feeling of contentment is coming into play at the current moment.
I am sitting in one of the rockers, ice water in hand, slight breeze through the yard and watching Dannon play with a bucket of water and a cup. Ashlyn is playing with her neighborhood friends and Bob will soon be on his way home from work.
The house is mostly clean, the floors have been mopped, I got my strawberries planted today, another planting project is underway and I'm tired--but it feels so good to be tired from being productive rather than tired from being lazy.
Today is April 1st, I haven't been able to come up with any good jokes to play on anyone, but I have gotten a rough draft of our monthly budget together and was able to include money to set aside for my trip with the kids up to Washington to visit family during Ashlyn's spring break. Last month one of my 3 in 30 goals was to have my divorce paperwork completed. Its not completed. But I did get a good start on it and will continue to focus on that throughout this next month. I did MUCH better with my water consumption, as well as remembering vitamins every night and better oral care... I'm also very proud to announce that Dannon is now completely bottle free, and all in all, it wasn't that bad!
For April, one of my goals will be to follow through on my gardening goal. So far I have one of the raised beds cleaned out, added a bag of Flower & Vegetable soil and planted the strawberry shoots that came from my online order with Gurneys. The other garden bed is still a jungle of a mess. I have seeds that should be coming within the next two weeks (also from Gurneys) and have great intentions to plant lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and a hanging tomato plant. I really hope something grows. I mentioned to Bob today that I have this almost desperate need to have success with growing something, and he pointed out that I'm doing pretty good growing his baby and thats the most important thing :) I think after my next OB appointment on the 8th, I will start to be seen every two weeks. Crazy how fast this time goes!
My other April goals will be to finish Dannon's quilt, and also start & finish a quilt for the new baby. I have a little craft area set up in the garage now, but I have yet to give my new sewing machine a try. Dannon's quilt has light blue and lime green colors with a pirate themed fabric and since #3 (still no names decided) is due sometime between the very end of June and beginning of July, I'm kind of thinking he needs a 4th of July-ish red, white & blue quilt. Stars required.
My third and final April 3 in 30 goal will be to limit my weekly trips into Redding to 1-2 times per week. Gas prices are ridiculous, and my trips into town equal either shopping, or meeting Bob for lunch. So lets recap: Spending money on gas + Spending money on shopping + Spending money on lunch = Spending too much money! The best way I can see to reign this in a bit is to just stay home, and thats what I am going to focus more on doing.
Things might not be perfect, but they're still pretty good and I'm A-OK with that! :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 7
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

I could have easily found a picture to use of my kids, or my boyfriend, or so many people or things to represent what has and continues to have an impact on me... but I wanted to be a little more "out of the box" with this one.
Over the last few years I have made a conscious effort to live and make choices for myself. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't made the best choices, and that there have been people who I have hurt throughout that course, but all in all, I am striving to be happy and fulfill my own life's purpose.
For a long time I was very focused on getting approval of those closest to me (my parents & family, close friends, etc.) I found that more often than not I was unhappy when I was making choices and doing things to make others happy and gain their approval.
And you know what... my family might not really approve of the choices I have made, but I took a risk anyway, and it took time, but they have come around to at least accept the choices I have made and the life I am living. I know it wasn't easy for them, but they are able to see my happiness and that is something that they can appreciate!
When people used to ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "happy". I don't always know what that is going to look like outwardly, but having that mentality change has had a huge impact on me and I feel like I'm better for it!
I could have easily found a picture to use of my kids, or my boyfriend, or so many people or things to represent what has and continues to have an impact on me... but I wanted to be a little more "out of the box" with this one.
Over the last few years I have made a conscious effort to live and make choices for myself. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't made the best choices, and that there have been people who I have hurt throughout that course, but all in all, I am striving to be happy and fulfill my own life's purpose.
For a long time I was very focused on getting approval of those closest to me (my parents & family, close friends, etc.) I found that more often than not I was unhappy when I was making choices and doing things to make others happy and gain their approval.
And you know what... my family might not really approve of the choices I have made, but I took a risk anyway, and it took time, but they have come around to at least accept the choices I have made and the life I am living. I know it wasn't easy for them, but they are able to see my happiness and that is something that they can appreciate!
When people used to ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "happy". I don't always know what that is going to look like outwardly, but having that mentality change has had a huge impact on me and I feel like I'm better for it!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 6
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Oh how my geeky boyfriend would be ashamed of me right now. I can't say that I have a favorite super hero... I don't think that I could even name a super hero (other than Superman, does Superman count?) I don't think that Superman should be my answer just because he is the only true superhero I can think of.
This one I may have to revisit at a later time.
Oh, the shame!
Oh how my geeky boyfriend would be ashamed of me right now. I can't say that I have a favorite super hero... I don't think that I could even name a super hero (other than Superman, does Superman count?) I don't think that Superman should be my answer just because he is the only true superhero I can think of.
This one I may have to revisit at a later time.
Oh, the shame!
Monday, March 28, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 5
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Just once... a strategic stop on our road trip from Florida to Washington.
That one overnight stop has left me wanting more... In fact, we are dreaming of a child free escape to New Orleans for my 30th birthday. That gives us 2 more years to save, plan, and find someone we can convince to watch the kiddos for a few days!
There is so much to see & do in this city, we were only able to experience the tip of the iceberg so to speak. With Dannon a little baby in the front pack, we walked the streets of the French Quarter, rode the St. Charles street car throughout the Garden District and stayed in a nice hotel (using reward points!)
I can't wait to go back and have set a goal to have this trip fully funded, with nothing going on any credit cards! So what if there is only $50 saved so far, right? A girl can dream, and goals are great to have!
Just once... a strategic stop on our road trip from Florida to Washington.
That one overnight stop has left me wanting more... In fact, we are dreaming of a child free escape to New Orleans for my 30th birthday. That gives us 2 more years to save, plan, and find someone we can convince to watch the kiddos for a few days!
There is so much to see & do in this city, we were only able to experience the tip of the iceberg so to speak. With Dannon a little baby in the front pack, we walked the streets of the French Quarter, rode the St. Charles street car throughout the Garden District and stayed in a nice hotel (using reward points!)
I can't wait to go back and have set a goal to have this trip fully funded, with nothing going on any credit cards! So what if there is only $50 saved so far, right? A girl can dream, and goals are great to have!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 4
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Uh oh.
You mean me?
As in, air my "dirty laundry" here for the WORLD (or anyone who happens to stumble across this blog) to read?
Ok. Here goes.
I'm pretty sure the relationship I maintain with the internet, email & facebook has pretty much reached unhealthy levels.
It is very rare that I have a day without the computer. I think the closest I get to that is when I'm visiting at my parents house.... their internet is so slow its unbearable.
I need to come up with an "unplugged" schedule and have a day every week where I avoid the computer all together and focus on other things in my life.
Thats my bad habit. (or at least, one of my bad habits.... the one I chose to share with you all today.)
Uh oh.
You mean me?
As in, air my "dirty laundry" here for the WORLD (or anyone who happens to stumble across this blog) to read?
Ok. Here goes.
I'm pretty sure the relationship I maintain with the internet, email & facebook has pretty much reached unhealthy levels.
It is very rare that I have a day without the computer. I think the closest I get to that is when I'm visiting at my parents house.... their internet is so slow its unbearable.
I need to come up with an "unplugged" schedule and have a day every week where I avoid the computer all together and focus on other things in my life.
Thats my bad habit. (or at least, one of my bad habits.... the one I chose to share with you all today.)
Friday, March 25, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 3
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

This was a challenge! I am usually the one taking pictures, so I had to dig back a ways to find a picture of my friends. This picture was taken in December of 2008 while Ashlyn and I were visiting Washington. We were living in Florida with Cliff, I was pregnant with Dannon and my amazing friends, Jessie & Amber, decided to get together with my mom and throw a surprise baby shower!
I'm sad to say that since that time I have grown apart from these girls who have always been such a huge part of my life. It is harder and harder (at least it seems) to develop new friendships as an adult. I need to make it a priority to do what I can to repair these friendships... its too important not to! Somewhere non-digital I have a picture with these girls that was taken at a fondue dinner at my parents house before we went off to our 8th grade dance. History like that can't be replaced.
To Amber, Jessie, Marissa & Chelsee... you are all amazing women and good friends. I am sincerely sorry for my actions that have caused 'The Great Divide'. The distance will keep us separate, but I want for that only to be in physical location and not in who we consider friends.
Please forgive me.
Chelsee, Marissa, Me, Jessie & Amber
This was a challenge! I am usually the one taking pictures, so I had to dig back a ways to find a picture of my friends. This picture was taken in December of 2008 while Ashlyn and I were visiting Washington. We were living in Florida with Cliff, I was pregnant with Dannon and my amazing friends, Jessie & Amber, decided to get together with my mom and throw a surprise baby shower!
I'm sad to say that since that time I have grown apart from these girls who have always been such a huge part of my life. It is harder and harder (at least it seems) to develop new friendships as an adult. I need to make it a priority to do what I can to repair these friendships... its too important not to! Somewhere non-digital I have a picture with these girls that was taken at a fondue dinner at my parents house before we went off to our 8th grade dance. History like that can't be replaced.
To Amber, Jessie, Marissa & Chelsee... you are all amazing women and good friends. I am sincerely sorry for my actions that have caused 'The Great Divide'. The distance will keep us separate, but I want for that only to be in physical location and not in who we consider friends.
Please forgive me.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
30 Days of Me - Day 2
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Well, this makes for an easy blog post! (and probably a quite obvious answer for all who know me personally) Hope is something I hold very dear.
Now, according to Webster, "hope" can be used as a noun or a verb and the definitions are as follows:
to cherish a desire with anticipation or to desire with expectation of obtainment.
1 archaic : trust, reliance
2a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment; also : expectation of fulfillment or success
b : someone or something on which hopes are centered
c : something hoped for
Its really interesting to me to read these definitions and uses for the word Hope. I've learned in doing so that the first known use of "hope" was before the 12th century, primarily in German and Old English languages.
For me, the word Hope holds so much meaning based on a family name. Hope is the middle name I share with one of my grandmothers, my cousin Lauren and my daughter Ashlyn. I collect all things "HOPE" and from where I am sitting right now on the couch in my living room I can see 12 decorative items that say or spell out Hope. (Thank you to my loving boyfriend for indulging my collection and letting it take over!)
There are also a bunch of fun quotes about hope. Here are a few of my favorites...
"Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tunes without the words—
And never stops at all
-Emily Dickinson
“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”
-Swedish Proverb
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
-Tom Bodett
“Strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any realized joy could be.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Hope is the dream of a soul awake.”
-French Proverb
Well, this makes for an easy blog post! (and probably a quite obvious answer for all who know me personally) Hope is something I hold very dear.
Now, according to Webster, "hope" can be used as a noun or a verb and the definitions are as follows:
to cherish a desire with anticipation or to desire with expectation of obtainment.
1 archaic : trust, reliance
2a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment
b : someone or something on which hopes are centered
c : something hoped for
Its really interesting to me to read these definitions and uses for the word Hope. I've learned in doing so that the first known use of "hope" was before the 12th century, primarily in German and Old English languages.
For me, the word Hope holds so much meaning based on a family name. Hope is the middle name I share with one of my grandmothers, my cousin Lauren and my daughter Ashlyn. I collect all things "HOPE" and from where I am sitting right now on the couch in my living room I can see 12 decorative items that say or spell out Hope. (Thank you to my loving boyfriend for indulging my collection and letting it take over!)
There are also a bunch of fun quotes about hope. Here are a few of my favorites...
"Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tunes without the words—
And never stops at all
-Emily Dickinson
“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”
-Swedish Proverb
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
-Tom Bodett
“Strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any realized joy could be.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Hope is the dream of a soul awake.”
-French Proverb
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Walgreens & Target 3/22
I love to shop, and I love to save money... usually those two don't go hand in hand but thankfully with the help of the coupon/frugal bloggers I follow I can get my shopping fix in and save money at the same time! I don't make a point to go to each and every drugstore each week, but its amazing the savings you can find at drugstores! Until I started the "coupon game" I rarely shopped at Rite Aid, Walgreens or CVS unless it was to have a prescription filled or have some photos printed.
Here is what I snagged at Walgreens today:

Transaction 1:
3 - Suave Kids 3in1 $3 each on sale
1 - Suave Shampoo $1
Total of $10 spent, used $4.00 RR to make OOP Total $6.83
(This $10 worth of Suave products was supposed to print a $3RR. It didn't. I hate being the one to complain, ask for a manager and stand my ground, especially when I've got a squirmy 2 year old with me, but I did! After the assistant manager tried to explain to me that it wouldn't print the RR because I used a coupon and didn't actually pay $10 I asked to see where it outlined that in their coupon policy because I haven't had a problem with that before. She couldn't find anywhere that actually said that, so she price modified my transaction #2 to reflect the $3RR that didn't print.)
Transaction #2:
1 - Huggies price modified to $4.99
1 - Method hand soap $2.99 on sale
Used $2.50 off Huggies manufacturer coupon & price modification to reflect $3RR.
Total OOP $6.14 with an additional $2RR for next time from the Method soap!
= Walgreens grand total of $ 27.45 worth of product before taxes for $12.97 OOP after taxes with a $2RR for my next trip!!
I was totally excited for my Target trip too! They have some great target printable coupons available on their website right now, so in addition to using a $.50 off in the Target Deli to get Dannon a bag of popcorn for $.54 we were able to get the following:
(silly picture won't load... boo! Imagine picture of products here)
6 Pack Circo Socks $4.99 - used $1.00 off Circo Q to make it $3.99
Single Circo Sock $1.00 - used $1.00 off Circo Q to make it free!
Liz Lange Maternity sweats $19.99 found on 75% clearance rack for $4.98 - used $3 off Liz Lange Q to make these $1.98 (!!!)
Revlon toenail clippers $2.24 - used $2 Target coupon for revlon beauty tool = .24
Revlon brow groomer $4.24 - used $2 Target coupon & $2 manufacture Q stacked = .24
Total Products worth $32.46 for $7.15 OOP!!
Here is what I snagged at Walgreens today:

Transaction 1:
3 - Suave Kids 3in1 $3 each on sale
1 - Suave Shampoo $1
Total of $10 spent, used $4.00 RR to make OOP Total $6.83
(This $10 worth of Suave products was supposed to print a $3RR. It didn't. I hate being the one to complain, ask for a manager and stand my ground, especially when I've got a squirmy 2 year old with me, but I did! After the assistant manager tried to explain to me that it wouldn't print the RR because I used a coupon and didn't actually pay $10 I asked to see where it outlined that in their coupon policy because I haven't had a problem with that before. She couldn't find anywhere that actually said that, so she price modified my transaction #2 to reflect the $3RR that didn't print.)
Transaction #2:
1 - Huggies price modified to $4.99
1 - Method hand soap $2.99 on sale
Used $2.50 off Huggies manufacturer coupon & price modification to reflect $3RR.
Total OOP $6.14 with an additional $2RR for next time from the Method soap!
= Walgreens grand total of $ 27.45 worth of product before taxes for $12.97 OOP after taxes with a $2RR for my next trip!!
I was totally excited for my Target trip too! They have some great target printable coupons available on their website right now, so in addition to using a $.50 off in the Target Deli to get Dannon a bag of popcorn for $.54 we were able to get the following:
(silly picture won't load... boo! Imagine picture of products here)
6 Pack Circo Socks $4.99 - used $1.00 off Circo Q to make it $3.99
Single Circo Sock $1.00 - used $1.00 off Circo Q to make it free!
Liz Lange Maternity sweats $19.99 found on 75% clearance rack for $4.98 - used $3 off Liz Lange Q to make these $1.98 (!!!)
Revlon toenail clippers $2.24 - used $2 Target coupon for revlon beauty tool = .24
Revlon brow groomer $4.24 - used $2 Target coupon & $2 manufacture Q stacked = .24
Total Products worth $32.46 for $7.15 OOP!!
30 Days of Me -- Day 1
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Hmm, interesting facts... Lets see....
1. In my writing, texting and facebooking I use a lot of "..."
2. I lived in the same house from the day I was born until 18-19, and since then I haven't ever felt like I really had roots anywhere. I don't like moving around.
3. My motivation for projects sometimes (ok, usually) overestimates my actual ability to complete said project. I hope to change that!
4. I feel like a failure because sometimes I have to consciously think about loving my 8 (going on 15) year old daughter. Daughters are hard.
5. I love cereal. Generally the sugary-not-so-good-for-you kinds.
6. I hate how most of my paychecks and deposits are already spent before they're available, but at the same time I get a strange satisfaction from paying bills and decreasing debt.
7. I have been working on my AA degree for about 10 years now, I promise myself that its something I will accomplish "one day".
8. I think Denis Leary is HOT and I don't care how old he is.
9. I like making lists and find it fulfilling to accomplish tasks and cross them off.
10. I think its hard to make friends when you are an adult, and I'm sad for the ones I have lost along the way.
11. I am saving and planning for a trip to New Orleans for my 30th birthday!
12. I love being pregnant, but hate how hard it is to get enough sleep and function on days when I always feel tired.
13. I have really high expectations for myself and those around me. This can be a good thing AND a bad thing.
14. My favorite place to shop is Goodwill, I love treasure hunting!
15. I want nothing more in life than to feel happy and successful in what I choose to do.

Trying to photo document pregnancy week 25
Taken on St. Patricks Day 3-17-11
(pay no attention to the messy bedroom!!)
Taken on St. Patricks Day 3-17-11
(pay no attention to the messy bedroom!!)
Hmm, interesting facts... Lets see....
1. In my writing, texting and facebooking I use a lot of "..."
2. I lived in the same house from the day I was born until 18-19, and since then I haven't ever felt like I really had roots anywhere. I don't like moving around.
3. My motivation for projects sometimes (ok, usually) overestimates my actual ability to complete said project. I hope to change that!
4. I feel like a failure because sometimes I have to consciously think about loving my 8 (going on 15) year old daughter. Daughters are hard.
5. I love cereal. Generally the sugary-not-so-good-for-you kinds.
6. I hate how most of my paychecks and deposits are already spent before they're available, but at the same time I get a strange satisfaction from paying bills and decreasing debt.
7. I have been working on my AA degree for about 10 years now, I promise myself that its something I will accomplish "one day".
8. I think Denis Leary is HOT and I don't care how old he is.
9. I like making lists and find it fulfilling to accomplish tasks and cross them off.
10. I think its hard to make friends when you are an adult, and I'm sad for the ones I have lost along the way.
11. I am saving and planning for a trip to New Orleans for my 30th birthday!
12. I love being pregnant, but hate how hard it is to get enough sleep and function on days when I always feel tired.
13. I have really high expectations for myself and those around me. This can be a good thing AND a bad thing.
14. My favorite place to shop is Goodwill, I love treasure hunting!
15. I want nothing more in life than to feel happy and successful in what I choose to do.
30 Days of Me
I am inclined to play along with some of the recent "30 Day Challenges" that have surfaced on Facebook... There is one that is 30 Days of specific photos, one for songs, one just questions to fulfill about yourself... Instead I'm going to participate on one I found on another blogger's page.
I want to blog more than I have been, and develop my introspective view of my true self.
This is the 30 Days of Me plan:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.
I want to blog more than I have been, and develop my introspective view of my true self.
This is the 30 Days of Me plan:
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
As we get started on a new month, I'm reviewing my monthly 3 in 30 goals and progress to this point.
January was pretty successful, February was a massive fail and now I'm hoping to get back on track for March. Because I am trying to make small lifestyle changes each month, my plan has been to tackle 3 new behaviors/habits and then to have those continue on-going, which would mean at this point I would be still completing January's and February's goals while working on new March goals.
This may be a bit more challenging this month since as I said, February was a massive fail. This is what my 3 in 30 goals will look like this month:
Continue with January's goals--
1) Creating (and attempting to follow) a monthly budget.
2) Reading to Ashlyn each night.
3) Eliminate Dannon's naptime and nighttime bottles.
Revisit February's goals (and actually accomplish them on a daily basis)--
4) Increase water intake (at least 3 glasses/water bottles each day).
5) Improve oral health (daily brushing, flossing & rinsing).
6) Vitamins daily.
New March goals--
7) Limit eating out to one lunch per week, two dinners per month. Also with this, initiate use of eating out cash envelope ($100 monthly).
8) Complete divorce paperwork with Cliff and have filed.
9) Eliminate Dannon's night time bottle.
January was pretty successful, February was a massive fail and now I'm hoping to get back on track for March. Because I am trying to make small lifestyle changes each month, my plan has been to tackle 3 new behaviors/habits and then to have those continue on-going, which would mean at this point I would be still completing January's and February's goals while working on new March goals.
This may be a bit more challenging this month since as I said, February was a massive fail. This is what my 3 in 30 goals will look like this month:
Continue with January's goals--
1) Creating (and attempting to follow) a monthly budget.
2) Reading to Ashlyn each night.
3) Eliminate Dannon's naptime and nighttime bottles.
Revisit February's goals (and actually accomplish them on a daily basis)--
4) Increase water intake (at least 3 glasses/water bottles each day).
5) Improve oral health (daily brushing, flossing & rinsing).
6) Vitamins daily.
New March goals--
7) Limit eating out to one lunch per week, two dinners per month. Also with this, initiate use of eating out cash envelope ($100 monthly).
8) Complete divorce paperwork with Cliff and have filed.
9) Eliminate Dannon's night time bottle.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February Check-In
I have failed MISERABLY in February so far with my 3 in 30 goals, my blogging aspirations and any attempt i've ever made at budgeting. Good thing Feb is a short month, lol!
This month for my goals I wanted to focus on better oral care. I have horrible teeth, part of that is genetics and the other part of that is laziness and poor oral care on my part. Its not too much to ask to remember to brush & use a rinse once or twice a day as well as flossing on a more regular basis (at this point remembering to do it once a month could be considered a more regular basis, gasp!) I also have a goal of increasing my water consumption. There are days that I succeed with this, and days that I don't. I have found with this one I need a more specific goal, instead of just knowing I need to drink "more" water, I need to start charting to make sure I'm drinking at least 3 bottles of water. It probably still needs to be more than that, but thats going to be my goal for the rest of the month. The last new February goal has been to be on top of vitamins, for myself and the family. This has probably been the most successful of the three... but still pretty hit and miss. I purchased some pre-natal gummies at Target and they seem to agree with me a little better than most, and I also got Dannon some gummy vitamins as well. He and Ashlyn are both great about taking them... its just my responsibility to remember and do them daily.
My plan for this 3 in 30 program for the year was to add three new behaviors each month, and continue to do each one from every month previous. I haven't been as good about reading to Ashlyn every night, but I've found that its just something I need to be aware of and plan for.
I need to continue to find inspiration and motivation for these better behaviors so they soon become second nature and after this adventure and set of goals this year I will feel a much better, complete person.
The budget has also gone out the window... WAAAAY out the window. Part of the problem has been having too much money. LOL. Too much money? Is there such a thing? I have found it is so much easier to stick to a budget when money is tight, than when there is money available.
I decided to trust Cliff that he would split the tax return as agreed, and for the most part it went easily and to plan. I ended up receiving about $200 less than he told me would be deposited, but I'm thankful for what I received. He has yet to provide me with a copy of the information for my financial aid purposes, thats one thing that I really do need and hope that I can get without too much pestering.
I am waiting for the balance on my bank account to settle and my visa card to cool down. I am happy with the big purchases I have made, but its just CRAZY how fast money can be spent!
I did quite a few things for the house, and I'm happy with the changes and what I paid. I picked out a new bedding set for our room, two square Euro pillows to fit some of the shams and the things I needed to do a fun project to complete our room. The bedding set came with two sets of pillow shams, the euro ones that I used on the bed and a standard set of shams that were pretty, but I couldn't see us actually using. I went to Wal Mart and got two canvases, spray adhesive and a staple gun and "wha-la!" customized wall art that matches our bedspread! Can you tell I'm pretty proud of myself for not only having the idea, but completing it as well!? :)
Next purchase was a speaker/sound bar for our TV. More of the man's want, but I like the outcome and the fact that I found a 10% off code to use when I made the purchase at Best Buy!
Then came my birthday. I had originally wanted to take the kids and go play a round of miniature golf and then to Baskin Robins for some ice cream... but it was a last minute decision to drive to Sacramento and go to Ikea for some shopping and a meatball lunch. I had a few pieces in mind and the trip went pretty smoothly. Ashlyn played in the smallville play place while Bob, Dannon and I browsed the Ikea showroom. We got a new TV stand that looks very nice and replaces the cabinet/shelf that I was using before that wasn't made for that purpose. We also picked out a matching sofa table that I love, but need to figure out a way to use the cubbies and table top in a more decorative and dual purpose way. Right now its completely bare because Dannon plays with anything we put there. I need to train this boy. Soon.
I had also been wanting a tall shelf of some sort for in our bedroom to put a few pictures and other nicknacks. It was actually Bob who saw a tall skinny shelf and suggested trying to get two of them and double their use as nightstands. He had a great vision and it worked! I'll have to post some pictures of our bedroom. I'm very happy with the finished product!
There have been lots of random purchases. Well, maybe not random... but those small things that sure end up adding up!
I'm trying to cross things off my list, make the bigger purchases I've been wanting, set up savings accounts and pay off debt. I've done some of those things, just probably not in the priority I should have. I'm waiting on two verification deposits to set up a kids saving's account for Dannon with $100 and a $25 automatic monthly deposit. As soon as Dannon's is complete I will do the same for Ashlyn (except for waiting for her child support to become regular in order to set up the auto deposit).
Last night I ordered a new sewing machine from Amazon. I'm happy with the price, and now crossing my fingers that I will be happy with the machine. I think if I put my mind to it, the machine will pay for itself if I can start working on some rag quilts and either start selling on my etsy account or one of the local craft fairs/farmer's markets this summer.
I have big aspirations for every part of my life. Its always just a matter of cracking down and putting my mind to it! Today is a new day (and tomorrow will be too!) Thats the beauty of making changes!
This month for my goals I wanted to focus on better oral care. I have horrible teeth, part of that is genetics and the other part of that is laziness and poor oral care on my part. Its not too much to ask to remember to brush & use a rinse once or twice a day as well as flossing on a more regular basis (at this point remembering to do it once a month could be considered a more regular basis, gasp!) I also have a goal of increasing my water consumption. There are days that I succeed with this, and days that I don't. I have found with this one I need a more specific goal, instead of just knowing I need to drink "more" water, I need to start charting to make sure I'm drinking at least 3 bottles of water. It probably still needs to be more than that, but thats going to be my goal for the rest of the month. The last new February goal has been to be on top of vitamins, for myself and the family. This has probably been the most successful of the three... but still pretty hit and miss. I purchased some pre-natal gummies at Target and they seem to agree with me a little better than most, and I also got Dannon some gummy vitamins as well. He and Ashlyn are both great about taking them... its just my responsibility to remember and do them daily.
My plan for this 3 in 30 program for the year was to add three new behaviors each month, and continue to do each one from every month previous. I haven't been as good about reading to Ashlyn every night, but I've found that its just something I need to be aware of and plan for.
I need to continue to find inspiration and motivation for these better behaviors so they soon become second nature and after this adventure and set of goals this year I will feel a much better, complete person.
The budget has also gone out the window... WAAAAY out the window. Part of the problem has been having too much money. LOL. Too much money? Is there such a thing? I have found it is so much easier to stick to a budget when money is tight, than when there is money available.
I decided to trust Cliff that he would split the tax return as agreed, and for the most part it went easily and to plan. I ended up receiving about $200 less than he told me would be deposited, but I'm thankful for what I received. He has yet to provide me with a copy of the information for my financial aid purposes, thats one thing that I really do need and hope that I can get without too much pestering.
I am waiting for the balance on my bank account to settle and my visa card to cool down. I am happy with the big purchases I have made, but its just CRAZY how fast money can be spent!
I did quite a few things for the house, and I'm happy with the changes and what I paid. I picked out a new bedding set for our room, two square Euro pillows to fit some of the shams and the things I needed to do a fun project to complete our room. The bedding set came with two sets of pillow shams, the euro ones that I used on the bed and a standard set of shams that were pretty, but I couldn't see us actually using. I went to Wal Mart and got two canvases, spray adhesive and a staple gun and "wha-la!" customized wall art that matches our bedspread! Can you tell I'm pretty proud of myself for not only having the idea, but completing it as well!? :)
Next purchase was a speaker/sound bar for our TV. More of the man's want, but I like the outcome and the fact that I found a 10% off code to use when I made the purchase at Best Buy!
Then came my birthday. I had originally wanted to take the kids and go play a round of miniature golf and then to Baskin Robins for some ice cream... but it was a last minute decision to drive to Sacramento and go to Ikea for some shopping and a meatball lunch. I had a few pieces in mind and the trip went pretty smoothly. Ashlyn played in the smallville play place while Bob, Dannon and I browsed the Ikea showroom. We got a new TV stand that looks very nice and replaces the cabinet/shelf that I was using before that wasn't made for that purpose. We also picked out a matching sofa table that I love, but need to figure out a way to use the cubbies and table top in a more decorative and dual purpose way. Right now its completely bare because Dannon plays with anything we put there. I need to train this boy. Soon.
I had also been wanting a tall shelf of some sort for in our bedroom to put a few pictures and other nicknacks. It was actually Bob who saw a tall skinny shelf and suggested trying to get two of them and double their use as nightstands. He had a great vision and it worked! I'll have to post some pictures of our bedroom. I'm very happy with the finished product!
There have been lots of random purchases. Well, maybe not random... but those small things that sure end up adding up!
I'm trying to cross things off my list, make the bigger purchases I've been wanting, set up savings accounts and pay off debt. I've done some of those things, just probably not in the priority I should have. I'm waiting on two verification deposits to set up a kids saving's account for Dannon with $100 and a $25 automatic monthly deposit. As soon as Dannon's is complete I will do the same for Ashlyn (except for waiting for her child support to become regular in order to set up the auto deposit).
Last night I ordered a new sewing machine from Amazon. I'm happy with the price, and now crossing my fingers that I will be happy with the machine. I think if I put my mind to it, the machine will pay for itself if I can start working on some rag quilts and either start selling on my etsy account or one of the local craft fairs/farmer's markets this summer.
I have big aspirations for every part of my life. Its always just a matter of cracking down and putting my mind to it! Today is a new day (and tomorrow will be too!) Thats the beauty of making changes!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tax Return Time?
Ugh. My stomach is in knots over this tax return thing. I've got some options this year, and I'm not sure which is the best one....
1. I could file my own taxes as married filing separately, claim the kids and my education information and such just for financial aid purposes.
2. I could file a joint return with Cliff again this year, claiming both kids and cross my fingers and have faith (that I don't have much of) in him that he will truly put my banking information in and split the return with me. We did this last year and it worked out just fine. He did the bulk of the filing through one of the online programs, and then emailed me the link and the id/password information so I was able to verify that he had indeed included my information and was giving me exactly 50% of the amount due back.
This year, he has mentioned some "amazing tax chick, who can find loopholes like no other" and expects that we could get more back than last year.... which, considering I've been a full time student and he spent 6 months on deployment is entirely possible. But... I just don't know if I should trust him and cooperate on this level. How do I know that he will do what we agree on or he says he will? And really, what incentive does he have to do that?
Through a text message conversation I told him that I would be happy if he wanted to split the return 60/40. I realize he has been the one working, and while it irritates me to think he could get back a few grand mostly based on the child credits, this is really the only option I have to get back a decent amount of money that can potentially help get my household out of additional debt.
OR option 3. Allow Ron to claim Ashlyn and cross my fingers that this year he and Jill won't have to pay the IRS, and that she can somehow be convinced not to file her injunction paperwork so that any return they may be entitled to is garnished for his back child support. This option seems the best for Ron & I, I would benefit financially from his return and his arrears balance would be significantly lowered. But again, there are risks to this option.
I guess its all about picking which option has less risks and the most potential benefits. This will be the last year I really have these options, and I know I shouldn't use a tax return as earned money, or something to rely on... but it would really help after the year that I've had.
With that all out on the table, here are the ideas I have for a return if I'm given a portion:
1) Replacement battery for my laptop (would like to extend the lifespan of this thing a few years!)
2) New sewing machine
3) California drivers license/vehicle registration
4) Savings: $100 for Ashlyn, $100 for Dannon, $500 for Emergency Fund
5) Pay off Kohls credit card: $150
6) Payment plan for Chase credit card
7) Pay off/settle past due Verizon account: ~$500
8) Look into new CA auto insurance policy listing Bob & I, pay full 6 month premium.
There is so much more I would like to do/buy/pay off... but without knowing if there will be any return coming to me, or how much it might be, I don't want to dream too big here. I just want to keep track of my intentions and wants, once that *free* money is in my pocket (or bank account) its WAAAAAY too easy for me to get that itch and impulse not to be responsible and just blow it on fun things to do and wants.
Although, I really should include on my list a mini-vacation of some sort... Reno/Lake Tahoe or maybe back to San Francisco!
1. I could file my own taxes as married filing separately, claim the kids and my education information and such just for financial aid purposes.
2. I could file a joint return with Cliff again this year, claiming both kids and cross my fingers and have faith (that I don't have much of) in him that he will truly put my banking information in and split the return with me. We did this last year and it worked out just fine. He did the bulk of the filing through one of the online programs, and then emailed me the link and the id/password information so I was able to verify that he had indeed included my information and was giving me exactly 50% of the amount due back.
This year, he has mentioned some "amazing tax chick, who can find loopholes like no other" and expects that we could get more back than last year.... which, considering I've been a full time student and he spent 6 months on deployment is entirely possible. But... I just don't know if I should trust him and cooperate on this level. How do I know that he will do what we agree on or he says he will? And really, what incentive does he have to do that?
Through a text message conversation I told him that I would be happy if he wanted to split the return 60/40. I realize he has been the one working, and while it irritates me to think he could get back a few grand mostly based on the child credits, this is really the only option I have to get back a decent amount of money that can potentially help get my household out of additional debt.
OR option 3. Allow Ron to claim Ashlyn and cross my fingers that this year he and Jill won't have to pay the IRS, and that she can somehow be convinced not to file her injunction paperwork so that any return they may be entitled to is garnished for his back child support. This option seems the best for Ron & I, I would benefit financially from his return and his arrears balance would be significantly lowered. But again, there are risks to this option.
I guess its all about picking which option has less risks and the most potential benefits. This will be the last year I really have these options, and I know I shouldn't use a tax return as earned money, or something to rely on... but it would really help after the year that I've had.
With that all out on the table, here are the ideas I have for a return if I'm given a portion:
1) Replacement battery for my laptop (would like to extend the lifespan of this thing a few years!)
2) New sewing machine
3) California drivers license/vehicle registration
4) Savings: $100 for Ashlyn, $100 for Dannon, $500 for Emergency Fund
5) Pay off Kohls credit card: $150
6) Payment plan for Chase credit card
7) Pay off/settle past due Verizon account: ~$500
8) Look into new CA auto insurance policy listing Bob & I, pay full 6 month premium.
There is so much more I would like to do/buy/pay off... but without knowing if there will be any return coming to me, or how much it might be, I don't want to dream too big here. I just want to keep track of my intentions and wants, once that *free* money is in my pocket (or bank account) its WAAAAAY too easy for me to get that itch and impulse not to be responsible and just blow it on fun things to do and wants.
Although, I really should include on my list a mini-vacation of some sort... Reno/Lake Tahoe or maybe back to San Francisco!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Desperate Times
Desperate times call for desperate measures... or so they say (still not sure who "they" are.)
Today I faxed in paperwork to get my plan administrator's signature on my request to withdraw the funds from my 401k. Its not going to be much, I only paid into it for the last year or two I was working at Highline, but thankfully what I had lost with the bad market has recovered and after they tax the hell out of it I'm hoping to have enough to get caught up on my past due car payment so that some nice person doesn't come knocking on my door and asking for my car keys. In addition to getting my car payment current, I will try to pay off the small balance on my Kohls credit card. We've got a lot going on right now financially... we need to come up with the money to cover the filing fee for Bob's counter-petition pertaining to his divorce and find a way to get him to Pennsylvania to visit his mother who was hospitalized over this past weekend and is currently in a coma. He seems to think that his presence could have an affect on his mother, the question is whether it will be good or bad :) I'm sure she'll wake right up and yell at him for something, it will be good for him to do his duties as the only son... 45 years old and still making trouble for his mother. Hmm, maybe I should change my thoughts on wanting to have another boy with this man!
I hate that I've let my finances get to this point, but thats what I get for not working since moving to Florida on the dreams of a young(er) newlywed and the demands of the United States Navy.
On a good note, I spoke with an advisor from Kaplan University today about registering in one of their Associates degree programs in Health Sciences. Its about time I finish my degree, and I've made promises to myself and others that I will finish and not give up!
We need to continue to remind each other that these struggles we're going through now are temporary, its a matter of getting through these challenges and standing strong to face the next set of challenges.
Today I faxed in paperwork to get my plan administrator's signature on my request to withdraw the funds from my 401k. Its not going to be much, I only paid into it for the last year or two I was working at Highline, but thankfully what I had lost with the bad market has recovered and after they tax the hell out of it I'm hoping to have enough to get caught up on my past due car payment so that some nice person doesn't come knocking on my door and asking for my car keys. In addition to getting my car payment current, I will try to pay off the small balance on my Kohls credit card. We've got a lot going on right now financially... we need to come up with the money to cover the filing fee for Bob's counter-petition pertaining to his divorce and find a way to get him to Pennsylvania to visit his mother who was hospitalized over this past weekend and is currently in a coma. He seems to think that his presence could have an affect on his mother, the question is whether it will be good or bad :) I'm sure she'll wake right up and yell at him for something, it will be good for him to do his duties as the only son... 45 years old and still making trouble for his mother. Hmm, maybe I should change my thoughts on wanting to have another boy with this man!
I hate that I've let my finances get to this point, but thats what I get for not working since moving to Florida on the dreams of a young(er) newlywed and the demands of the United States Navy.
On a good note, I spoke with an advisor from Kaplan University today about registering in one of their Associates degree programs in Health Sciences. Its about time I finish my degree, and I've made promises to myself and others that I will finish and not give up!
We need to continue to remind each other that these struggles we're going through now are temporary, its a matter of getting through these challenges and standing strong to face the next set of challenges.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
You know you're a couponer when....
... You're excited for the mail to come on a Saturday and discover that the coupon binder pages you ordered from ebay (using money in your paypal account that you accumulated by doing online surveys) are finally here!
Then, you spend at least an hour or two tossing expired coupons and organizing the rest into coupon binder form.
Thats right... I've become a coupon binder person! I can't believe how many coupons I had in my little coupon organizer that expired on 12-31-10 though. My stash is looking a little pathetic right now. On the bright side, it makes organizing a bit easier.
I can't wait to do a big shopping trip and see how the new system works!
Then, you spend at least an hour or two tossing expired coupons and organizing the rest into coupon binder form.
Thats right... I've become a coupon binder person! I can't believe how many coupons I had in my little coupon organizer that expired on 12-31-10 though. My stash is looking a little pathetic right now. On the bright side, it makes organizing a bit easier.
I can't wait to do a big shopping trip and see how the new system works!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Apple Juice, really?
As I have now progressed to "Second Trimester" status I thought my morning issues with apple juice would probably be over. I woke up this morning with the pounding headache I had gone to sleep with last night (I hate when they hang on like that!) I popped a tylenol with a swallow or two of apple juice and continued on my way, getting the morning things taken care of when the darn apple juice reared its ugly head.
I'm slightly disturbed that this baby we have created doesn't react in the least to a cup of coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, but balks at apple juice. What are we in for!? :)
I'm slightly disturbed that this baby we have created doesn't react in the least to a cup of coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, but balks at apple juice. What are we in for!? :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
My Cheap Shopping Addiction
I am the type that starts to get a little stir crazy if I haven't left the house in a few days. Believe it or not, its actually improved dramatically since moving here to California! I think it makes a big difference that i'm not feeling stuck in a small upstairs apartment, I am happy with our house and now that we're also paying for satellite TV, it seems like there is always some kind of entertainment available.
The less i'm out shopping, the more money we save! I like that a lot! But every so often I still get that antsy feeling and "need" to get out and do some shoppin'.
If every "Escape-the-house-shopping-trip" can go as smoothly (and inexpensively) as yesterday I'll be a very happy camper!
I've had some of the kids clothes bagged up to go to a consignment store since we moved. I used to go to Once Upon a Child in Vancouver, WA pretty regularly. I loved that store. The people were always so friendly, the store was always stocked with tons of great quality items, they paid cash out and offered store credit as well. Imagine how bummed I was to find out that there isn't a OUAC location nearby... thats *nearly* as upsetting as no Goodwills or Value Villages, i'm really going through some thrift store withdrawals let me tell you....
Anyway. I found an ad for a consignment store on Craigslist. They are located in Redding, said they paid out cash and were looking for larger sizes. I took all of Ashlyn's items, grabbed my coupons for some drugstore shopping and buckled Dannon in the car and we were off. Now Dannon isn't the most enjoyable little guy to shop with, but we can manage an hour or two at a time and that was enough for me yesterday to snag 4 boxes of Special K cereal, 1 jar of green olives, 1 Kraft mac & cheese, 1 coloring book and 2 packages of stayfree liners at Rite Aid for just under $6 and received $8 back in UP rewards. Then we went and browsed the consignment store, That Baby Store, while the woman looked through our items. She offered me $20 in store credit or $15 cash. I would have liked more, but I was happy to find a brand new pair of Old Navy jeans still with tags on for Ashlyn, a pair of gap jeans, cute carter's PJs and a pair of Children's Place sweats for Dannon.
I love shopping for free!! It satisfies my shopping habit, fulfills my need to get out of the house and makes me smile knowing i'm saving my family money. Right now with trying to get caught up on my past due car payment and figure out Bob's financial situation for the divorce and pending child support we need all the funds we can save.
If only I could get a handle on this dang budgeting goal!!
The less i'm out shopping, the more money we save! I like that a lot! But every so often I still get that antsy feeling and "need" to get out and do some shoppin'.
If every "Escape-the-house-shopping-trip" can go as smoothly (and inexpensively) as yesterday I'll be a very happy camper!
I've had some of the kids clothes bagged up to go to a consignment store since we moved. I used to go to Once Upon a Child in Vancouver, WA pretty regularly. I loved that store. The people were always so friendly, the store was always stocked with tons of great quality items, they paid cash out and offered store credit as well. Imagine how bummed I was to find out that there isn't a OUAC location nearby... thats *nearly* as upsetting as no Goodwills or Value Villages, i'm really going through some thrift store withdrawals let me tell you....
Anyway. I found an ad for a consignment store on Craigslist. They are located in Redding, said they paid out cash and were looking for larger sizes. I took all of Ashlyn's items, grabbed my coupons for some drugstore shopping and buckled Dannon in the car and we were off. Now Dannon isn't the most enjoyable little guy to shop with, but we can manage an hour or two at a time and that was enough for me yesterday to snag 4 boxes of Special K cereal, 1 jar of green olives, 1 Kraft mac & cheese, 1 coloring book and 2 packages of stayfree liners at Rite Aid for just under $6 and received $8 back in UP rewards. Then we went and browsed the consignment store, That Baby Store, while the woman looked through our items. She offered me $20 in store credit or $15 cash. I would have liked more, but I was happy to find a brand new pair of Old Navy jeans still with tags on for Ashlyn, a pair of gap jeans, cute carter's PJs and a pair of Children's Place sweats for Dannon.
I love shopping for free!! It satisfies my shopping habit, fulfills my need to get out of the house and makes me smile knowing i'm saving my family money. Right now with trying to get caught up on my past due car payment and figure out Bob's financial situation for the divorce and pending child support we need all the funds we can save.
If only I could get a handle on this dang budgeting goal!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
How Coupon Shopping Doesn't Always Go As Planned...
We have a Walgreens and CVS in town. I haven't shopped Walgreens for ages it seems, Rite Aid is my go to drug store of choice for deals and I've been out of the CVS game for so long that I'm excited to be living near one again but haven't yet started shopping there regularily.
I was excited to print two coupons last night that would yield me free BIC Triumph Pens at Walgreens, and figured that would be an easy enough transaction and I would get my freebie couponing fix! I browsed the store before checking out (of course) and was happy to find a few other things to ad to my cart. In the toy aisle I found some Christmas remainders, mini Webkinz called Lil Kinz in holiday gift bags priced at 2/$5.00. I also noticed in the weekly ad as well as other online blogs that there was a good toothbrush/toothpaste deal to be found so I dug through my coupon file and found a B1G1 coupon that had not yet expired... In theory my oop total should have been around $6 + tax but its never quite that simple.
The cashier insisted that she couldn't take my BIC pen coupons because the item was sale priced at $1.99 and the coupons were for $2.00 off. I was polite but firm and said I thought the Walgreens coupon policy was to price adjust the coupon down to the sale price, apparently they're not "by the book" at this Walgreens because she said no, another cashier said no and when I asked to speak with a manager about it he also said no, that wasn't their policy but that he would do it for me "just this one time." I don't like inconveniencing people. Really, I don't. But from all my time invested in following coupon bloggers I know that when I get an item for free from a store, they're not loosing money. They are reimbursed by the coupon company and generally people end up spending additional money during their shopping trip, not just walking out with bagfuls of freebies!
Unfortunately, the cashier had a tough time figuring out my coupons, the sale prices and the "total" she came up with was over $10. I asked her if she could re-check to make sure everything calculated right, because I thought that was a little high and she ended up having to bring the manager back over, void the entire transaction, pull the coupons out of the drawer and re-ring everything up with the manager taking each item by item and explaining how to do the coupons. I think they still ended up over charging me by $1.00 but at that point, I was thankful to get some good deals.
The breakdown of my transaction ended up looking like this:
Lil Kinz $2.50
Lil Kinz $2.50
Triumph Pens $1.99
-$2.00 Q
Triumph Pens $1.99
-$1.99 Q (adjusted q price)
Reach Toothbrush $2.00 (this is where they messed up I think, the manager had her price adjust the price of one toothbrush from 2.99 to 2.00. The in-ad coupon I used was for $2.00 off, not changing the price to $2.00)
Reach Toothbrush $2.99
-$2.99 Q (B1G1 free)
Anyway... my total with tax was $8.14
I'm thrilled to have the opportunities to get items free or close to free, and the Lil Kinz will be great (inexpensive!) gifts repackaged into non-Christmas gift bags. I'm not quite as cuthroat as some couponers out there, but this is just one great example of how sometimes you've just gotta roll with the punches.... and I think I'm going to take the advice of many coupon bloggers out there and print off the store coupon policies to keep in my coupon binder that I'm going to create!
I was excited to print two coupons last night that would yield me free BIC Triumph Pens at Walgreens, and figured that would be an easy enough transaction and I would get my freebie couponing fix! I browsed the store before checking out (of course) and was happy to find a few other things to ad to my cart. In the toy aisle I found some Christmas remainders, mini Webkinz called Lil Kinz in holiday gift bags priced at 2/$5.00. I also noticed in the weekly ad as well as other online blogs that there was a good toothbrush/toothpaste deal to be found so I dug through my coupon file and found a B1G1 coupon that had not yet expired... In theory my oop total should have been around $6 + tax but its never quite that simple.
The cashier insisted that she couldn't take my BIC pen coupons because the item was sale priced at $1.99 and the coupons were for $2.00 off. I was polite but firm and said I thought the Walgreens coupon policy was to price adjust the coupon down to the sale price, apparently they're not "by the book" at this Walgreens because she said no, another cashier said no and when I asked to speak with a manager about it he also said no, that wasn't their policy but that he would do it for me "just this one time." I don't like inconveniencing people. Really, I don't. But from all my time invested in following coupon bloggers I know that when I get an item for free from a store, they're not loosing money. They are reimbursed by the coupon company and generally people end up spending additional money during their shopping trip, not just walking out with bagfuls of freebies!
Unfortunately, the cashier had a tough time figuring out my coupons, the sale prices and the "total" she came up with was over $10. I asked her if she could re-check to make sure everything calculated right, because I thought that was a little high and she ended up having to bring the manager back over, void the entire transaction, pull the coupons out of the drawer and re-ring everything up with the manager taking each item by item and explaining how to do the coupons. I think they still ended up over charging me by $1.00 but at that point, I was thankful to get some good deals.
The breakdown of my transaction ended up looking like this:
Lil Kinz $2.50
Lil Kinz $2.50
Triumph Pens $1.99
-$2.00 Q
Triumph Pens $1.99
-$1.99 Q (adjusted q price)
Reach Toothbrush $2.00 (this is where they messed up I think, the manager had her price adjust the price of one toothbrush from 2.99 to 2.00. The in-ad coupon I used was for $2.00 off, not changing the price to $2.00)
Reach Toothbrush $2.99
-$2.99 Q (B1G1 free)
Anyway... my total with tax was $8.14
I'm thrilled to have the opportunities to get items free or close to free, and the Lil Kinz will be great (inexpensive!) gifts repackaged into non-Christmas gift bags. I'm not quite as cuthroat as some couponers out there, but this is just one great example of how sometimes you've just gotta roll with the punches.... and I think I'm going to take the advice of many coupon bloggers out there and print off the store coupon policies to keep in my coupon binder that I'm going to create!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
If you can't tell, thats my gigantic sigh of relief.
There are times that I seem to forget that I'm a nearly 28 year old grown woman, an adult if you will. The last few months have been one of those times.
I don't particularly like keeping secrets, i've played that game before and its been detrimental to myself and those around me. I have been holding a secret close for 15 weeks now, not a bad secret, but a secret nonetheless. And now its FREE!!
This evening I got up the courage to tell my parents that Bob and I are expecting a baby. The path I have taken in my life has been less than ideal, I tend to find the hardest road possible and then plow full speed ahead. This is baby number three for me, and number six for him. Each of my three children will have different fathers and there are times that I'm ashamed of that fact. But the way I feel and believe is that each life is a blessing and we have definitely been blessed!
Preparing to tell my parents this evening made me feel like I was 19 again and telling them that I was pregnant with Ashlyn, my soon to be 8 year old daughter. I feel though, that my prayers were answered yet again when my mom congratulated us and sounded truly happy for me. Concerned of course, but happy. Such. A. Relief!
So, the news is out... it has yet to be announced on my facebook page, but I'm sure thats coming soon too now. In roughly six months, due on July 1st our anticipated blessing will join our family. We can't wait to meet him or her (and we're NOT going to find out the sex... we're going for the ultimate surprise!)
If you can't tell, thats my gigantic sigh of relief.
There are times that I seem to forget that I'm a nearly 28 year old grown woman, an adult if you will. The last few months have been one of those times.
I don't particularly like keeping secrets, i've played that game before and its been detrimental to myself and those around me. I have been holding a secret close for 15 weeks now, not a bad secret, but a secret nonetheless. And now its FREE!!
This evening I got up the courage to tell my parents that Bob and I are expecting a baby. The path I have taken in my life has been less than ideal, I tend to find the hardest road possible and then plow full speed ahead. This is baby number three for me, and number six for him. Each of my three children will have different fathers and there are times that I'm ashamed of that fact. But the way I feel and believe is that each life is a blessing and we have definitely been blessed!
Preparing to tell my parents this evening made me feel like I was 19 again and telling them that I was pregnant with Ashlyn, my soon to be 8 year old daughter. I feel though, that my prayers were answered yet again when my mom congratulated us and sounded truly happy for me. Concerned of course, but happy. Such. A. Relief!
So, the news is out... it has yet to be announced on my facebook page, but I'm sure thats coming soon too now. In roughly six months, due on July 1st our anticipated blessing will join our family. We can't wait to meet him or her (and we're NOT going to find out the sex... we're going for the ultimate surprise!)
New goal, "Semi-Lightbulb Moment here"
Ever since I've had a bank account with Bank of America I've been enrolled in the save the change program (or whatever its officially called.) Generally the cents add up in my savings account, then I notice how low my checking account balance has gotten and I transfer the available savings into the checking and the cycle continues...
Now I realize the purpose of a savings account is to SAVE for something, and I am finally going to use it for its purpose and do my best to refrain from using it as "bail-out" money!
Back in the summer of 2009, when Bob and I left Florida and drove across the country together, we stopped for one night in New Orleans. It was during that brief stay that I decided we were going to go back for my 30th birthday, giving us plenty of time to save up for the trip, plan for a babysitter and dream of the fun we will have!
We're going to set up a New Orleans savings account, with a small amount of Bob's check being direct deposited each pay period (he doesn't know this yet, but I'm sure he will be on board, lol) This dream/goal will be fully paid for in cash, and I'm very excited to start working on our first major cash savings goal.
Anyway... this is the long story behind the "aha moment!" I had this morning. I'm gonna save up those pennies, watch them grow and continue to dream of the trip we'll get to take in 2 years! Hopefully putting a purpose to the pennies will encourage positive change (pun completely intended, ha!) in my spending/saving behaviors.
Oh, and with all this talk of New Orleans I've got to throw in a "GO SEAHAWKS" for good measure as the Hawks & Saints are facing off today in the NFC Wild Card game today.... now to go put on some Seahawks gear!
Now I realize the purpose of a savings account is to SAVE for something, and I am finally going to use it for its purpose and do my best to refrain from using it as "bail-out" money!
Back in the summer of 2009, when Bob and I left Florida and drove across the country together, we stopped for one night in New Orleans. It was during that brief stay that I decided we were going to go back for my 30th birthday, giving us plenty of time to save up for the trip, plan for a babysitter and dream of the fun we will have!
We're going to set up a New Orleans savings account, with a small amount of Bob's check being direct deposited each pay period (he doesn't know this yet, but I'm sure he will be on board, lol) This dream/goal will be fully paid for in cash, and I'm very excited to start working on our first major cash savings goal.
Anyway... this is the long story behind the "aha moment!" I had this morning. I'm gonna save up those pennies, watch them grow and continue to dream of the trip we'll get to take in 2 years! Hopefully putting a purpose to the pennies will encourage positive change (pun completely intended, ha!) in my spending/saving behaviors.
Oh, and with all this talk of New Orleans I've got to throw in a "GO SEAHAWKS" for good measure as the Hawks & Saints are facing off today in the NFC Wild Card game today.... now to go put on some Seahawks gear!
Friday, January 7, 2011
First Post of 2011!
Well, here we go again!
I'm attempting to do this blog thing, as a tool for myself to publish my thoughts, my accomplishments and my goals. It always seems to help with accountability when you "put it all out there" and that is my intention.
I have been very inspired by my cousin, Lauren, who started in 2010 with health/diet goals for each month and has expended that for 2011. Its motivating to see how others can set goals and succeed! Maybe my goal setting can be motivation in some way for others as well!
I am participating in an online/blogging program called "3 in 30" for each month in 2011. See more info here (http://www.facebook.com/#!/3in30)
For January the goals I have selected to focus on are:
1) Eliminate Dannon's nap time bottle. The boy is getting closer and closer to being two (gasp!) its been my pure laziness and using the excuse of the big changes he has experienced with the move to California that has continued the use of his bottles at nap time and night time. Nap is the first to go, and so far its been a success!
2) Read each night with Ashlyn. This girl is a reader! I need to make it a priority to spend a few quiet minutes with her each night, minus all the other normal distractions. It gives us time to bond and be close, and gives me a chance to re-live some of my favorite books from my childhood. Right now we're working on the second book in The Boxcar Children series, I think we're going to need library cards in the very near future! We've been reading a chapter each night, and haven't missed a night yet!
3) Develop a working budget/cash system for the month of January. This is the one that is intimidating (and very well could end up being on my 3 in 30 list each month this year!) I've got the bones of the budget, but I'm struggling with committing to a cash system for the non-bill categories as well as calling to make arrangements with a credit card company and my car company. I am ashamed to be so far behind on these two debts... but, it is what it is and I need to take control and tell our money where to go instead of wondering where it went. One day we will be debt free. It has to start somewhere. But not without a budget. So far I've just avoided most spending (hey, that helps too!) but I can't imagine that working for long.... ugh. Ok. Must. Finish. Budget.
I'm attempting to do this blog thing, as a tool for myself to publish my thoughts, my accomplishments and my goals. It always seems to help with accountability when you "put it all out there" and that is my intention.
I have been very inspired by my cousin, Lauren, who started in 2010 with health/diet goals for each month and has expended that for 2011. Its motivating to see how others can set goals and succeed! Maybe my goal setting can be motivation in some way for others as well!
I am participating in an online/blogging program called "3 in 30" for each month in 2011. See more info here (http://www.facebook.com/#!/3in30)
For January the goals I have selected to focus on are:
1) Eliminate Dannon's nap time bottle. The boy is getting closer and closer to being two (gasp!) its been my pure laziness and using the excuse of the big changes he has experienced with the move to California that has continued the use of his bottles at nap time and night time. Nap is the first to go, and so far its been a success!
2) Read each night with Ashlyn. This girl is a reader! I need to make it a priority to spend a few quiet minutes with her each night, minus all the other normal distractions. It gives us time to bond and be close, and gives me a chance to re-live some of my favorite books from my childhood. Right now we're working on the second book in The Boxcar Children series, I think we're going to need library cards in the very near future! We've been reading a chapter each night, and haven't missed a night yet!
3) Develop a working budget/cash system for the month of January. This is the one that is intimidating (and very well could end up being on my 3 in 30 list each month this year!) I've got the bones of the budget, but I'm struggling with committing to a cash system for the non-bill categories as well as calling to make arrangements with a credit card company and my car company. I am ashamed to be so far behind on these two debts... but, it is what it is and I need to take control and tell our money where to go instead of wondering where it went. One day we will be debt free. It has to start somewhere. But not without a budget. So far I've just avoided most spending (hey, that helps too!) but I can't imagine that working for long.... ugh. Ok. Must. Finish. Budget.
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