Trying to photo document pregnancy week 25
Taken on St. Patricks Day 3-17-11
(pay no attention to the messy bedroom!!)
Taken on St. Patricks Day 3-17-11
(pay no attention to the messy bedroom!!)
Hmm, interesting facts... Lets see....
1. In my writing, texting and facebooking I use a lot of "..."
2. I lived in the same house from the day I was born until 18-19, and since then I haven't ever felt like I really had roots anywhere. I don't like moving around.
3. My motivation for projects sometimes (ok, usually) overestimates my actual ability to complete said project. I hope to change that!
4. I feel like a failure because sometimes I have to consciously think about loving my 8 (going on 15) year old daughter. Daughters are hard.
5. I love cereal. Generally the sugary-not-so-good-for-you kinds.
6. I hate how most of my paychecks and deposits are already spent before they're available, but at the same time I get a strange satisfaction from paying bills and decreasing debt.
7. I have been working on my AA degree for about 10 years now, I promise myself that its something I will accomplish "one day".
8. I think Denis Leary is HOT and I don't care how old he is.
9. I like making lists and find it fulfilling to accomplish tasks and cross them off.
10. I think its hard to make friends when you are an adult, and I'm sad for the ones I have lost along the way.
11. I am saving and planning for a trip to New Orleans for my 30th birthday!
12. I love being pregnant, but hate how hard it is to get enough sleep and function on days when I always feel tired.
13. I have really high expectations for myself and those around me. This can be a good thing AND a bad thing.
14. My favorite place to shop is Goodwill, I love treasure hunting!
15. I want nothing more in life than to feel happy and successful in what I choose to do.
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