I could have easily found a picture to use of my kids, or my boyfriend, or so many people or things to represent what has and continues to have an impact on me... but I wanted to be a little more "out of the box" with this one.
Over the last few years I have made a conscious effort to live and make choices for myself. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't made the best choices, and that there have been people who I have hurt throughout that course, but all in all, I am striving to be happy and fulfill my own life's purpose.
For a long time I was very focused on getting approval of those closest to me (my parents & family, close friends, etc.) I found that more often than not I was unhappy when I was making choices and doing things to make others happy and gain their approval.
And you know what... my family might not really approve of the choices I have made, but I took a risk anyway, and it took time, but they have come around to at least accept the choices I have made and the life I am living. I know it wasn't easy for them, but they are able to see my happiness and that is something that they can appreciate!
When people used to ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said "happy". I don't always know what that is going to look like outwardly, but having that mentality change has had a huge impact on me and I feel like I'm better for it!