It is nearly 1pm on Day 2 as I sit here to write this post I am watching my timer count down the minutes.. only 48 minutes remaining for the day -- YIKES!
The first day of this journey yesterday was frighteningly successful... to the point I thought Wow, maybe 3 hours is not cutting back enough if its this easy to do! I am happy (?) to be able to report today that yesterday, though successful, was probably a total fluke. Bob was home from work yesterday and we were able to spend some time hanging out, sitting outside while the boys played, watched an episode of Ink Master that we had recorded and took turns napping. Having him around helps to keep me from sitting and wasting time.
I used the last 30 or so minutes of my allotted computer time last night when we were trying to get the boys to sleep. Bedtime for the 3 year old has turned into quite the experience with coming out of the room multiple times, etc. I did some browsing during that time, and when my time was up - the computer was off for the night. Bob and I sat at the kitchen table and played what he calls 500 and I call Rummy. We had so much fun, music playing, halloween candy to snack on, and each other's company in a way that we haven't shared for quite some time. And you know whats awesome? I'm looking forward to doing A LOT MORE OF THAT!
Day 2's reading in 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life includes this excerpt:
"If you want your new habits to take permanent residence in your life, then the change will have to be gradual. Making small changes over time cements new habits in a way that quick, drastic changes cannot."
I know all too well how quick, drastic changes fail. I am actually excited to continue on this journey, even though it IS going to be harder some days than others! I am excited to focus on this one positive change that has already begun (began?) to show how it can effect other parts of my life!
Oh--and thanks to walking away from the computer this morning after putting Elijah down for his morning nap, I have a nice sparkly clean bathroom!
-{Today I am thankful for a renewed interest and faith in my religious life. I had an experience last week that spoke volumes to me, and I will be planning some sort of project centered around the verse from Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. I don't ever want to forget that powerful reminder that Ashlyn brought home as her memory verse from The Good News Club!}-
It was a wonderful night. Even though you kicked my ass. ;). Don't get used to winning that easy baby.