Monday, April 29, 2013

A Case of the Mondays

Some Monday mornings are just blah.  This particular Monday morning has been straight up awful.  The one accomplishment I am patting myself on the back over is coming home from dropping Ash at school and making coffee, because believe me... I had convinced myself that stopping by Starbucks for a toffee nut white mocha was going to be the reset I needed for today.  BUT -- moving is not going to be cheap, even if the man's company helps us with some of the associated costs.  So, despite this morning getting off to a bad start, I came home, made a pot of coffee and wrote out my to do list. 

My goals for today include:

Call about activating Nasonex coupon
Call ItWorks (IT DOESNT) about the wrong item auto shipping
Pick up Ash at 12:45 from school
Menu plan for the week
Fold & put away the boys clothes
Clean the boys room
Attend mediation orientation meeting this afternoon


Tackle the closet in our room.  Eliminate what we don't need to keep and box up what we're keeping but don't need to use on a regular basis.

I am hoping for an EPIC moving sale.  My goal is to have $500 saved up for extra moving expenses, whether it be earmarked for a pet deposit, setting up new utilities or filling our fridge/freezer/pantry.  The great thing about my goals is that I know they are reasonable, and better yet -- REACHABLE!  Its all about being productive and staying motivated.

With that being said, I'm going to pour myself another cup of coffee, allow myself another few minutes on facebook, and get my hiney in gear!

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