Monday, January 5, 2015

The Eve of Back to School

... Or in other words, YES YES YES YES YES!!

I think we had a decent school break, but I'm excited for a new normal. The older two will be back in school, and this girl starts classes tomorrow too!  I am really hopeful that becoming a full time student will help me to schedule and prioritize better, to bring a litte structure to our otherwise chaotic days.  It feels like such a fresh, new start full of potential and possibilities.  Each new year presents itself in that way, the difficulty lies in actually DOING something to build on those feelings.

Bob and I sat down together on New Years Eve, after putting the boys to bed at 9pm without much fanfare, and talked about our hopes, dreams and goals for 2015.  We still need to add some details to our "resolution blueprint" and outline how we plan on working towards the goals, but it was so awesome to see just how on the same page we were about the things we were writing down.  I think it will make a world of difference in my ability to follow through when we can be accountable to each other and working towards goals and achievements together.  

Here is the rough draft we came up with, and a few other photos that sum up our NYE:

Our goals and start to a bucket list.

My crazy boys, ringing in the new year.

Samuel skyping with Nerdy Girl, I mean.. Big sister!

Our version of two player cards against humanity (the deck ended up kicking our heinys!)

....and us, taken early in the evening just in case we didn't make it until midnight (we did!)

I'm feeling ready to take on 2015, who's with me?!

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