Monday, July 6, 2015

Moving. Again.

Despite the potentially negative feeling to the title of this post, we're excited to announce we'll be moving again! 

Bob got the green light on his transfer request which means we'll be saying goodbye Oregon, hello Washington in the very close future.  And by close future I mean a number of weeks.  And because the thought of everything that needs to be done between now and then is crippling to me, I'm writing a blog post instead of jumping in and getting started... because really... where do you start?!

Lets see, things to do:
  • Find a new home in a good school district, where we will be able to buy in the next year or so and keep the kids in the same school. (daunting because it feels like we need to make a forever choice RIGHT NOW!)
  • Give notice to our current landlord
  • Pack & eliminate unnecessary stuff
  • Have a MASSIVE moving sale (where we can hopefully make enough money to finance part of this move)
  • Clean house & yard
  • Take care of all the day to day stuff in the meantime
Yikes.  Just yikes.  Did I mention that all of these things need to be done while Bob continues to work, and I have 4 kids at home to "help"?

I know that I need to find a place to start and just get started.  The moving sale is going to be one of the biggest stressors, but so very important.  I wasn't able to do the Spring consignment sales this year, it would have been too much to take on with being in school full time and our Illinois trip planned right around the sale dates.  Our garage is a nightmare.  I should probably start inside, but without a moving date its hard to start packing up!  Today my goal is to focus on the back yard toys and miscellaneous shrapnel spread all over.

Our current landlord is a fanatic.  I don't know if we should put in the sweat and elbow grease to get things back on par with his expectations for move out, which would probably include hiring some yard guys to do the dirty work, or write off any hope of getting some/all of our deposit back and just let him deal with it so it's done to his liking.  I would be so angry to invest time and money into the yard work for it not to meet his approval and lose out on our deposit anyway.

Oh my goodness, I can't wait to own our own home. 

So, if you're reading this and have any great moving tips, want to pitch in in any way, or know of any great 3-4 bedroom rentals within a 30-40 minute radius of Kent please let me know!  

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