Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Pit of Despair.. Oh wait, that's our Bedroom...

In the spirit of keeping it real, I will divulge one (just one for today, but don't worry, there are many!) of my problem areas--that room that no one ever ventures into, and thanks to child proof door locks, is always hidden behind a closed door -- our bedroom.  

I love the thought of a calm, organized, clutter free area.  A place to rejuvenate.  A place to sleep (do you hear that Baby Sam?  SLEEP) and a clear desk area where I can set up space and encourage  myself to be a successful student.  

This room is none of those things.  It has become a room of dumping and hiding.  All the piles that collect downstairs eventually move upstairs.  This room is the first that I am choosing to tackle for my own sanity, for a place to study and baby-willing a place to feel more rested and ready for each day.  

Here are a few "before" pics that I snapped this afternoon.  Yikes! I know!   I apologize in advance if any undies made it into the shot, I'm telling you -- keeping it real!

The first task I assigned myself was to empty the crib and change the sheet.  Time for Sammy to transition to the crib.  For real.  I was obviously joking when I said that a few months ago... Wish us luck with the transition and stay tuned for an account of my success with taming the stuff.  Too.  Much.  Stuff.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Preparing for the Year: 2015

I have been anxiously preparing (ok, I mean... Pinterest-ing) for the new year!  I'm not a resolution maker, but instead I try to set some goals, put new routines in place and come up with a bucket list of things we want to accomplish and experience. 

I tend to bite off more than I can chew, classic overachiever style... and then get frustrated/burned out/give up.  My stick-to-it-iv-ness sucks and thats something I've always wanted to change.  Well, why not now?

At times I have the desire to be a blog worthy super mom, and when I sit and actually picture what that means to me the first thing I think of is a mom who smiles and is happy.  Someone who enjoys their life, their children, their home, their marriage (or soon to be marriage).  I envision someone who is busy and productive, but has time and resources to make memories with their family. 

Is it strange to think that maybe my complacency and laziness stem from the fact that I just haven't been busy enough?  I have nothing to do so I do nothing?  We're about to find out, because this mama starts back as a full time student in just a matter of days! 

But, I digress, back to the purpose of this post... New Year!  2015!  It feels like its going to be a good one, and I want to do everything in my power to feel accomplished and on top of things.  I want to feel like I am living life purposefully instead of being drug along by life, struggling for footing. 

To my "2015" Pinterest board I have added a few pins about challenges that I plan to take on:
Resolution Blueprint
52 Weeks to an Organized Home
Declutter 365
Dave Ramsay's baby steps
Fiscal Fast

The first of these that I want to discuss is How to do a Fiscal Fast.  I'm excited about this and plan to follow through in January!  Can you believe it?  Excited?  Yeah.. I'm a little surprised too, chronic shopper that I am... but we have been in what I call "eff it mode" for the past two months.  "Eff it mode" consists of a loss of income (the child support that the ex-husband has not paid since the end of October) and the desire to enjoy life and the season without having to say no all the time.  "Eff it mode" was enabled by a new credit card, and boy did we put that thing to use!  I'm not proud of our spending choices, but I'm going to own them because we were fully aware of what we were doing.  The reality is that now its time to buckle down and be purposeful with our spending again, and we will start that by NOT spending for 30 days. 

With a few exceptions of course:
  • Textbooks and school essentials
  • Ashlyn's birthday preparations/gifts 
  • Essential grocery items (including any medicine/first aid need that might arise)

Here is my gray area:
Gift cards -- during our Fiscal Fast, can we use gift cards we received at Christmas as long as we're not spending additional money out of pocket?
B/S/T items -- if I sell cloth diapers, can I re-invest those funds into new to us diapers?

Is the Fiscal Fast challenge about NOT shopping, or about NOT spending money?  In my opinion, shopping for pleasure is out.  My thrift store outings will be a no go, and instead I'll invest that time into decluttering our home, working on projects in progress and spending time with the family.  But I would like to have the option of a family outing to Cold Stone Creamery to use the gift cards that my Aunt, Uncle & cousins gave to the kiddos, and when I make the 3 hour round trip trek to pick up the girlie can I redeem my free Starbucks drink available on my Gold Card?  Can I spend the remainder of my Amazon gift card on items that aren't necessary?  Does this fast apply to my kiddos as well?  Good thing I've got a few days to determine our final guidelines!  What are your thoughts on my gray area issues? 

Stay tuned for more about my hopes, dreams, plans, goals and wishes for 2015!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Quitting Facebook

Gasp!  I've done it.  I've deactivated my facebook account (temporarily).   I'm going cold turkey and for the first time in my life I might be able to identify on a very small level with the way addiction feels.  When I turned the computer on this morning with the intention of checking my email, the first site I clicked on was facebook.  Its now my phantom limb.

Social media can be all consuming, the easiest distraction and quite frankly has begun to cause me more harm than good so it was time to step away for a bit.  I have tried before to limit my time online or my facebook usage and I've failed miserably.  As a parent, how can I try (also, somewhat unsuccessfully) to limit the time my kids spend on their electronic devices when I can not follow through with setting limits for myself?  I'm not setting a good example.

My kindergartener had a project that was supposed to be returned to school this morning, a BIG piece of paper where we were supposed to trace the hands of each member of our family and then decorate them with the things we like and are interested in.  We didn't complete the project.  We didn't even START the project.  Was it because it was forgotten under piles of paper and stuff on the kitchen counter that I haven't bothered cleaning?  Was it because when he brought it home, excited to work on it, that I said "Oh, we'll do that later..." I'm not saying that facebook is to blame for my son's homework not being finished, but what I can say is that my priorities are not where they should be.  I've let it go for far too long and now the time has come that something drastic needs to be done in order to make things right, or at least getting on the path to making things right. 

I'm not happy with me.  Its easy to admit, but hard to take action.  I've always been pretty good at identifying the problem, but from there .... ? Usually nothing.  I want to take this time and treat it as a reset.  Change my focus from -- "Who is doing what today?" "Are you kidding me?  Are they really that stupid?"  "Oh, my goodness, that person is annoying, but I can't bring myself to unfriend them" "Hmm, I wonder what is available on the b/s/t sites today."  "Oh!  I haven't checked the diaper swap pages, or the babywearing swap pages yet this morning even though I really shouldn't be buying anything right now" and instead focus on paying attention and engaging with my kids when they are excited to show me something or be fully present while I'm nursing our 4 month old (4 months already!  It instantly brings tears to my eyes to think about how quickly he is growing and how soon he won't need me in this way) and to spend time reconnecting to the amazing man I have beside me.  I'm tired of living a distracted life.  Its not fair to anyone that I invest more of my time and attention on things happening in other people's lives outside of our home and family. 

 I've committed to at least one week facebook free, which means the earliest I may return will be Thursday, November 13th.  As daunting as this seems, I'm also excited.  Its freeing.  I hope this helps.  I pray that this helps.  Please, let this help.

Friday, October 17, 2014

TGIF! {the To-Do list edition}

This week I've focused on making my daily to-do list manageable.  And not only creating a manageable list, but actually following through and completing each task.  (Crazy idea, right?)

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday were a success.  Tuesday and Wednesday even included a trip outside of the house with both boys and I was ready to pat myself on the back.  Then came Thursday.  I don't know if I was just in a slump and that is to blame for not getting through my reasonable list, or if not getting everything crossed off and completed is what sent me into a slump.  Either way it wasn't pretty.  I'm grateful I was able to keep myself somewhat in check and didn't fall into full on "I'm done with this" attitude, but I was irritated and as a result left nearly half of my list untouched. 

As a stay at home mom, I put a lot of pressure on myself.  I've said it before, and its worth mentioning again (and again) that my greatest struggle is how I picture things SHOULD be.  Thankfully I am learning to give myself a little grace and accept that some days aren't going to go as planned.  Sometimes I won't be as productive as I'd like to be.  Sometimes my child will act like a human pinball inside of Ikea and bounce around the store with me chasing behind to the point I will feel like I could have added "Exercise for one hour" on my list for that day.  (Tuesday.  Thank God for meatballs to make the trip worth it!)  Some days there will be a few things that don't get crossed off the to-do list.  But luckily for me, I will have another chance to try again the next day.

Yesterday my list included 15 min cleaning in our bathroom.  It didn't get done so I wrote it down on today's list.  I'm happy to say that I spent the 15 minutes cleaning, and then took a few extra minutes to sweep & mop.  Our house isn't spotless, but when I stay on top of things and rotate through different rooms that need attention, its not so bad! 

As soon as I finish this post which just happens to be #6 on today's list, there will only be three tasks left... including #5 - pack.  The biggest, the littlest and I are heading for an overnight trip to my parent's house this weekend.  I'll reward my efforts this week with a cup of coffee from our favorite coffee shop on the way up, and some good time with my family as a way to recharge before coming home and giving it a go again next week!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tackling the To-Dos!

Lets talk lists!

I am the type of person that really enjoys the process of making a list, and crossing things off.  I think its because I strive to be productive and organized, but with 4 kiddos now, productive and organized are not always words that I would use to describe myself or our life.

Side note:  Does anyone else ever write something down and cross it off AFTER you've completed the task?

Sitting down with my notebook and a cup of coffee is part of my usual morning routine, but I frequently find myself caught in this vicious cycle of writing #allthethings, not having the time/energy/motivation/ability to finish #allthethings, and then feeling down and frustrated because if I didn't cross off #allthethings, than I must not have been very productive for the day.  And in my mind a non productive day is not a "good day".

Is this a struggle that all moms have, or is this a SAHM thing?  Either way, its something that has the potential to either leave me feeling great or (as its happened more and more recently....) not so great.

This week I am going to make a conscious effort to limit my daily to-do list to 10 manageable tasks.  I will brainstorm a special mama treat to celebrate when I am able to follow through on my list every day this week!

How do you manage your to-dos?  Are you a list person like me or do you have a different system?  I'd love to hear your thoughts and/or suggestions!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Putting Together a Quick & Easy Minecraft Birthday

Earlier this week we celebrated the middle child's birthday.  Where the last few years have gone is a mystery to me!  The night before his birthday we went on a mommy/son date for a haircut, dinner and a little shopping trip to Toys R Us to spend the gift card and birthday money that had arrived in birthday cards that day.  While we were out together I said to him that I didn't think I was ready for him to turn five and asked if he could be four just a little bit longer... he's a smart little guy though, and replied with "How about I be four for the rest of the night?"  Ok.  Guess I can't argue with that...

He is a Minecraft fanatic.  I'm not quite sure how that even came to be, but Minecraft on the iPad, Grandma's computer, playing "real life Minecraft" and watching Minecraft videos on Youtube consume his little (now) five year old life.  I should also mention that he was Steve from Minecraft for Halloween!

He had seen some Youtube videos of different Minecraft themed cakes.  One in particular in the shape of Steve caught his eye and he had me watch it with him multiple times.  Unfortunately for him, my cake skills are severely limited... fortunately for me, Pinterest has a plethora of Minecraft themed birthday ideas and I found a cake that I thought we could replicate AND that would satisfy our blonde birthday boy AKA DanRidesMinecarts. 

This is what we ended up with, I was so happy with how it came out and our birthday boy was pretty excited too!  It was easy to control the portions on this cake, we only needed to have enough for our little immediate family, but you could easily build something similar on a larger scale.  For this cake I used one box of chocolate cake mix, two 6oz packages of blue jello and one batch of Rice Krispie treats (and ended up with leftover "blocks" of each)  I used square pans, either 8x8 or 9x9, to make each component so it would be thicker and more block like than having the batter spread out in a larger sized pan.  I also grabbed a can of green Betty Crocker cupcake frosting, and the star tip was perfect for making the grass on top of the dirt blocks.  I will freely admit that the star of the cake was the little figures we found to put on top.  I was hesitant to fork out $25ish dollars for these guys, but he has played with them every day since his birthday so I've considered them just another one of his gifts.  We found the packaged figures on Amazon, Core Player Survival Pack and the Creeper Pack

The one thing I forgot to consider were candles for this awesome cake.  Thankfully the man of the house came to the rescue with the brilliant idea of using matches to represent the Minecraft torches. (I apologize for the crummy picture, but you get the idea)

We also decided to go the Minecraft route with birthday treats for his preschool class.  Again, with the help of Pinterest, we were able to come up with a cute and fairly inexpensive idea.  I like coming up with things that are a little different than the standard store bought, sugar bomb cupcakes.  I bought clear treat bags from the Dollar Tree (they come in packs of 25), a roll of green curling ribbon, a bag of stick pretzels, rolos and new cookies and creme Hershey's Kisses in very diamond-like blue foil.  Too keep these preschool friendly, each treat bag got two of each candy and a handful of pretzels.  The real Minecraft highlight of the treat bags were these free printable tags I found on Pinterest.  We downloaded the ones we wanted to use (diamond, gold & sticks) to a USB drive and took them to the office supply store to be color printed on cardstock.  HERE is the site I found on Pinterest full of great party ideas AND free food printables.

 All in all, I think we pulled off a pretty fun day for our boy!  Without breaking the bank, without spending WEEKS upon WEEKS planning and preparing and still managing to give him a themed birthday to remember.

Happy 5th Birthday DanRidesMinecart!


Monday, March 10, 2014

Goal Setting {Week 2}

After my mostly successful first week, I'm using this forum again to gain some accountability for a new week's goals! 

I sat down with my coffee this morning (anyone else's favorite time of the day?) and came up with the following list:

Goals for the week of March 10-16
1) Drink 4+ glasses of water each day
2) Focus on real food - No fast food or gorging on junk snacks
3) Dannon's Birthday!  (Wrap gifts, make cake)
4) Follow week 2 of 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home challenge
5) Wake up with alarm
6) Sell $85 worth of stuff and pay natural gas bill
7) Consignment sale prep

You'll notice my first two goals... I have felt pretty crummy over the last few days and I'm attributing that to not being aware of my water intake AND splurging on junk that wasn't in our budget and didn't agree much with my body.  The crap food I consumed over the weekend included a late night Dairy Queen snack of chicken strips & fries, Mt Dew, cheese cake complete with cherry pie filling, pizza, donuts and multiple Cadbury Creme Eggs.  I tend to go through periods of zero impulse control, and then I pay for it massively.  Enough is enough!  Its one thing to have a treat (or fulfill a pregnancy craving... thats where the Cadbury eggs came into play) occasionally, but I need to do a better job of cutting myself off.

I wrote "Consignment sale prep" as a goal for the week, and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to measure that.  I'm consigning at my second Super Kids Resale next month and I've got a lot to do between now and then to get ready!  There is definitely work involved in being a consignor at these types of sales, but its really something that I look forward to.  I have fun volunteering during the sale, I LOVE shopping the sale and I really love the check that comes a few weeks after the sale.  The income from the sale will be very beneficial to us this year, but I'm also at a bit of a disadvantage with our desire to leave the gender of our baby unknown until birth.  IF we knew we were having a girl, there are a lot of baby boy items I could tag for the sale and if we knew the gender I would also be able to stock up on clothes and other items we're needing for baby at a great discount.  But... since thats not the case, I will come up with a list of items that we're needing that can be gender neutral and I'm sure I'll find more than a few good bargains during the sale!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 1 Review & Unplugging Success!

I sat down on Monday morning and wrote out a list of 6 goals for the week, I will admit that I didn't follow through on ALL of them, but nonetheless I am happy with what was accomplished over the course of the last week.  Here is the recap:

Goals for the week of March 3-9

1) Follow 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home plan
2) Sell $50-100 worth of items
3) Attend family night @ headstart on Tuesday
4) Get fabric & make Minecraft Steve pillow for Dannon's birthday
5) Get up each morning with the alarm
6) Yoga x2, Just Dance x1

My biggest feat was following along with the daily tasks associated with the 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home challenge.  Its kind of a no brainer that household chores are easier when you stay on top of things, but I have a habit of NOT staying on top of things which results in a massive house cleaning attempt when the motivation does hit.  I'm slowly becoming the type of person who does a little bit every day in order to keep things manageable, and to avoid the hit-by-a-tornado style of  "decorating!"  The tasks for the week included a 15 minute quick pick up of living areas, cleaning out the purse/diaper bag and getting rid of 7 things on Monday, a 15 minute quick clean of the kitchen, cleaning out the refrigerator and finding another 7 things to get rid of on Tuesday, a 15 minute quick clean of the master bedroom, ANOTHER 7 things and cleaning out the freezer (the one task I didn't feel was necessary to our home this week) on Wednesday, a 15 minute quick clean of the master bath, cleaning underneath beds and furniture, and yes, you guessed it... 7 more things on Thursday and finally cleaning the couch (vacuuming under cushions, spot cleaning and washing all the covers) on Friday.  

I was able to do each of these special cleaning tasks in addition to the other 5-7 things on my daily to do list.  There were a few days that I procrastinated the things on the list, but at the end of the day, it felt great to follow through! I love knowing that if I devote 15 minutes to a quick clean I can get most of the needed things done in one specific room (NOT including our bedroom which will require more than one 15 minute interval!)

The next goal for the week that I was able to cross off was selling $50-100 worth of items!  Between the local facebook buy/sell group that I am part of and one item sold on ebay I was able to make about $72 this week.  Its not close to closing the income deficit we're experiencing since my ex husband stopped paying his court ordered child support, but every little bit helps.  I applied $40 of my sales to our natural gas bill and spent the rest on a few things we needed to pick up at the grocery store and Target.

Lets talk about Family Night at Dannon's school!  It was totally worth sitting through a presentation that was mostly done in Spanish, to see how happy Dannon was to have us all there.  They fed us all an amazing meal of tostadas and all three of the kiddos got to play in the classroom.  It was a nice way to break up the sometimes monotonous feel of our weeknights without spending a dime.  We'll definitely plan on attending next month too!

The last weekly goal I was able to cross of the list was getting up each morning with the alarm.  I guess if I'm being TECHNICAL I should admit that I hit snooze once or twice... but each morning I was out of bed before 7am and it just feels better to get a start on the day, instead of the day starting without me.

Now for the weekly goals I didn't complete:
Exercising and making a Minecraft pillow for Dannon's birthday.
I've got no real, valid excuses for not exercising a minimum of 3 times.  I just didn't do it.
As for the pillow... I ended up ordering about $25 worth of Minecraft miniatures to use as decorations on Dannon's birthday "cake."  I am crossing my fingers that he will love the idea I came up with (thank you, Pinterest!) and we're sure the little figures will provide hours and hours of play.  There just wasn't anything left in the birthday budget to buy fabric for the pillow project.  It will go on the back burner though and definitely will be completed sometime.  Maybe he'll get a Minecraft quilt and pillow for Christmas if he is still obsessed in a few months.

The last thing I wanted to touch on for this post was our success at unplugging for 24 (turned 36) hours this weekend.  We are a family that has a habit of being entirely too wrapped up in our gadgets (ahem, boys...) and social media (guilty as charged.)  Bob shared with me an article he read on about the National Day of Unplugging and we decided to participate.  I'm happy to report that it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be and in fact, its something I want to incorporate on a regular basis!  There were a few times that Dannon asked about his iPad, and a few times I though "oh, I should post this on facebook" or "I need to remember to look this up..." but I discovered that a lot of the time I spend online is just wasted time and it takes my focus away from my family and my home commitments.  I wish the weather would have cooperated so we could have gone outside to play catch or another fun family activity outdoors, but in true pacific northwest fashion it was rainy.  We used our time to get a few things done around the house, rest and recharge and watch movies together.  We questioned at the beginning of our unplugged time what that really meant for us and how we would apply it, and we decided that tv and movies were acceptable, individual usage was not.  It was a nice break, but I was definitely happy to hop on Facebook and check my email this morning while I was drinking my cup of coffee :)   

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Project for the Month of March

I started this year with the thought of having one thing I would focus on each month.  In January my focus was to begin eliminating clutter, in February I loosely followed my goal of setting an alarm and getting up at 6:30 each morning and now for March I will be following along with one of my favorite bloggers,  Money Saving Mom, and her 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home. 

You can find her first post on the project here, which includes the first day's "assignment" and a sign up to receive the free e-book she has written to go along with the project.

Today's "assignment" includes getting dressed, writing out 5-10 goals for the week, create/follow a morning routine, 15 minute quick pick up, finding 7 items to get rid of and cleaning out your purse/diaper bag

Since I'm a stay at homer, and regularly bite off more than I can chew and get frustrated later when I don't follow through to the fullest extent, I appreciate that she has a complete list of suggested things for the day, and one highlighted task to make sure you accomplish. 

I wanted to share my list of goals for the week, I have found that its easier for me to stay accountable when I put myself out there! 

Goals for the week of March 3-9

1) Follow 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home plan
2) Sell $50-100 worth of items
3) Attend family night @ headstart on Tuesday
4) Get fabric & make Minecraft Steve pillow for Dannon's birthday
5) Get up each morning with the alarm
6) Yoga x2, Just Dance x1

I plan on checking in through my blog later in the week to update with my progress.  Please let me know if you will be joining this month's project, its always encouraging to tackle something like this with a friend (or two!)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thrift Store Scores - The Mommy/Daughter Date Edition

Thank you Queen Bee Coupons for posting about Value Village's 50% off sale on Presidents day!

Since the man of the house was home from work earlier than usual on Monday due to the holiday I decided to ask Ashlyn, my just-turned-11-year-old daughter, if she wanted to ride along for a little thrift store hunting.  She agreed to go and grabbed her purse containing her birthday money and off on our mommy/daughter adventure we went!

First stop was the local Starbucks for a much needed 3pm-ish pick me up.  I used my Starbucks gold card birthday reward for a free drink and paid $2.95 out of pocket for Ashlyn's chocolately chip frappe.

Then off we went to Vancouver.  Slowly. I forgot what a pain it is to deal with after work traffic.  One fun thing I discovered on our crawl towards I-205 was using Siri to send text messages.  We also noticed some fun graffiti with the message "Excuse me world, I know you're busy but I wanted to say you are loved" Ash tried to snap a picture, but the words weren't quite large/dark enough to see.

We finally arrived at Value Village and I put Ashlyn to work searching out clothes in her size.  She's not really in need of much clothing wise, but she is getting to the point where she would rather pick things out for herself than have me shop for her and I can accept that.  She ended up with 5 or 6 tops that we narrowed down to these three:

Top left: Longsleeve from Justice (her new favorite store, crazy expensive in my opinion!) I was happy to pay $3.50.  Top right:  xhilaration brand short sleeve, $2. Bottom: 3/4 sleeve short sweater that she is excited to wear over her zebra print cami, $2.

I paid for her clothing selections and she found a new book and a softball that she purchased with her own money.  Neither of those items were half price, but we talk a lot about the value of buying good quality items secondhand and I think she is beginning to understand this concept more and more each time she accompanies me on these treasure hunts and THAT, to me, is priceless :)

I found a few maternity items for myself, because who really wants to pay full price for something that will only be worn for a few months?  The best thing about these purchases is it will be easy to sell these online when I am finished with them and make back the money I paid or more.

Liz Lange shirt for $2.50, Liz Lange jean skirt for $2.00 and a pair of new with tags bermuda length khaki shorts for $2.50.

Our last, but not least, finds at Value Village half off prices were my favorite:

I heart Dad Oshkosh tee $2 (perfect for father's day, right?), Hanna Andersson 2pc pjs $1 (super score!), Old Navy muscle tank for my blonde boy who desperately wants to play tball in the spring $1.50, Gap swim trunks in the coolest nautical/sailor print $3, Thinsulate snow mittens $1, and a pink Gap onesie that says BYOB Bring your own bottle for .50 cents (we'll keep this if we have the girly sort of baby in June or toss in the consignment pile if our baby ends up being of the boy variety.)

We left Value Village and it wasn't too late yet so we checked with Siri to find the closest Goodwill because I know there are a few in Vancouver.  It just so happened that we were 0.3 miles away so we decided to head there for just a little more browsing before calling it a night and I'm sure glad we did because these are the treasures we found there:

Two new in packaging Taggie blanket clips for 99 cents each.  I will probably keep one for our newbie and use the other in a baby shower gift or add to my consignment sale inventory.  One pair of Gymboree cargo shorts for $2.99, and two pairs of excellent condition Stride Rite shoes in wide sizes for $1.50 each (they were marked $2.99 but happened to be the half off color!)  I am undecided on the shoes.  We may hold on to these until we find out the gender of our baby... we'll need wides if this one takes after it's bigger, redheaded brother... or I may list them on ebay, probably in the neighborhood of $10-12 each pair.  Not pictured are a usb mouse & keyboard for $3.99 each that we needed for our new kid's desktop computer set up.

Ashlyn found another book and a Nerf gun while we were at this location.

We worked up quite the appetite with our evening of shopping and hit up Subway for dinner before heading home.  It was a great time spent with my daughter, and I really do hope that having these experiences with her now will carry over into positive spending and saving habits as she gets older. 

Thrift Store Scores - Ikea couch & bonus!

Thrift store shopping (aka, treasure hunting) is one of my favorite things to do.  It actually fulfills quite a few of my passions; shopping, shopping at a discount, and reselling for profit.  I have been an on and off ebay seller for quite a few years, and have been involved in the children consignment sale scene for a year or two as well.  Having multiple kids and living on a fairly tight budget has made me much more aware of quality brands that will last and I am frequently able to find items used that will last through a child or two and still be able to sell at consignment when we are done with them.  Very rarely do I buy brand new kid clothes from the store, and when I do its always when there are sales/free shipping offers or other rewards involved. 

Finding half off deals at the thrift stores is even more exciting!  I love the ability to find things we can use in our home, and knowing what I can buy at a fraction of the retail price and sell to offset the cost of the thrift store scores we keep. 

This recent trip to our local Salvation Army during their half off customer appreciation sale has been one of my best trips yet!

As an avid fan of everything Ikea, I noticed this little couch right away and was happy to see the $75 price tag that equaled $37.50 with the 50% off sale.  I carefully inspected the couch for stains, structural issues and yes, I did the sniff test too because no one wants to take home a stinky piece of furniture.  The couch is in great condition, I wonder if maybe it was a floor model at the store, or just something the owner decided wasn't going to work out for them because it sure doesn't seem used to me.  When we relocated from northern California to the Portland, Oregon area we ended up renting a home that has a front room and a family room/den.  The extra space is great, but we haven't had furniture to fill both rooms.  Its nice now to have a comfy little seating area in our front room turned play room AND it is a pull out style that can double as a place to put an overnight guest.  (My mom recently visited for the weekend and apparently its comfortable enough for an adult to sleep on!)

Of course, when I got it home I was excited to find the retail value so off to I went and this is what I found:  Under no circumstances would I have ever paid $169, but for $37.50 I am thrilled! 

But wait.... there's more!

I also noticed this pair of shoes:

Cool, huh?!  They were Vans and possibly a size that would fit my older son so for $3 (half off the marked price of $5.99) I grabbed them up knowing that if they didn't work out for him, they would be a great resale item.  Again, I searched to find the resale value and found that they were only available at the store Journeys and had a retail value of $41.99!

When I determined that they weren't going to work out for my son I posted them for sale on ebay with a buy it now price of $30 and offered free shipping.  After shipping costs, paypal fees, ebay fees and figuring in my initial "investment" I ended up with a $16.32 profit on the shoes.  (man, those fees add up!)  I like to think that after this was all said and done my cute little couch only cost $21.18 out of pocket.  I love these types of shopping trips.  Its a hobby, its a passion and sometimes its even a small income.