Saturday, March 26, 2011

30 Days of Me - Day 4

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Uh oh.
You mean me?
As in, air my "dirty laundry" here for the WORLD (or anyone who happens to stumble across this blog) to read?
Ok. Here goes.

I'm pretty sure the relationship I maintain with the internet, email & facebook has pretty much reached unhealthy levels.

It is very rare that I have a day without the computer. I think the closest I get to that is when I'm visiting at my parents house.... their internet is so slow its unbearable.

I need to come up with an "unplugged" schedule and have a day every week where I avoid the computer all together and focus on other things in my life.

Thats my bad habit. (or at least, one of my bad habits.... the one I chose to share with you all today.)

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