Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reaching for a Better Day

Whew. What a relief.... today has been a much better day so far!

My day started earlier than I would have liked, Bob was up around 430 am so that he could be on the road by 5 to make his 9am appointment on the coast on time. Lucky me, Baby E (aka Bottomless Pit) woke up shortly thereafter and then just as I was drifting back to dreamland after caring for the immediate needs of aforementioned child... Big Brother was up and moving! Thats just how it goes most mornings, boy do I welcome nap time...

I came up with a short list of goals for myself to complete this morning, and posted it on Facebook... because, well... because thats what my social-media-generation does.

Goals for this morning:
1) try this recipe to use up sad looking bananas​ome-banana-muffin-recipe/
2) be nice to my kids
3) drink 2 bottles of water (need to increase my water intake dramatically!)
4) call SMCU and get online access re-instated and make car payment

I'm happy with myself because I completed probably about 60% of my goals. I did not complete #4, and instead got out all our bills and wrote down the list of what needs to be paid when the man of the house gets his paycheck deposited tomorrow. SMCU will get what they get. I'm behind on my car payment, but not FAR behind. I'm not going to stress and waste effort on that front. And I think that I've been mostly nice to my kids. I've yelled at Dannon a few times, but on the other hand I've also included him in the morning muffin making and then did some backyard golfing with him for a bit after getting Baby E to take a catnap.

The muffins turned out really good! To really pat myself on the back, I didn't give up after discovering that I didn't have an egg to use in the batter since I decided randomly to boil all the eggs we had in the fridge yesterday. Guess what is an acceptable subsitute for eggs when you're baking? 1/2 mashed banana. Works out perfectly when you're making banana muffins! :)

One minor hiccup in my morning's somewhat productive/calm ness was the ring of the doorbell... suprise! The postman (again, second time this week) with a letter from Bob's soon-to-be-ex wife's lawyer. Seriously. Why can't you figure out enough postage so that I don't have to rummage through my purse looking for correct change to give the postman standing on my doorstep in order to accept a letter I don't really want to accept anyway? Today I answered the door with a screaming baby, and decided to refuse the letter. Put the right amount of postage on the envelope and I promise one of us will get it out of our mailbox. I was irritated (but glad that I had put on pants this morning!)

Now if only the baby would go down for his nap. He was asleep. Now he is not. I think he's playing games with me.

I think in order to stay positive, motivated and not a complete crazed biotch I need to continue setting small, achievable goals for myself each day and do my absolute best to enjoy each day for what it is. It might be a great day, it might be a crummy one... but if I'm always feeling stress, disappointment and all the other negative feelings i've embraced I will never notice the little blessings I'm given each day.

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